Blizzard just officially announced the Dragonflight release date! And it is November 28th as that potentially leaked document had got the community speculating! Blizzard also posted the Season 1 schedule. Season 1 will start 2 weeks after launch! Check all the details out below:
Mark Your Calendars: The Journey to the Dragon Isles Begins November 28
Gather your friends and allies and make ready to soar into new adventures when the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight expansion goes live on November 28.
The ancestral home of dragonkind—the Dragon Isles are awakening, and many long-forgotten secrets are waiting to be uncovered. Heed the call of the dragons as their ancient homelands are revealed once more, beckoning adventurers and treasure seekers alike to unravel the many mysteries waiting for them.
Discover the Dragon Isles
Discover the Dragon Isles and explore four new zones—the Waking Shores, roiling with elemental power; the vast expanse of the Ohn’ahran Plains; the frosty peaks of the Azure Span; and the majestic spires and temples of Thaldraszus—each themed around and revealing more about the ancient dragon aspects.
Meet the Dracthyr Evoker
Players will menace their foes (or empower their allies) as the new dracthyr Evoker, World of Warcraft’s first-ever race and class combination. Able to switch between a humanoid visage and a fearsome draconic form, the dracthyr are highly mobile, and their unique Evoker class can specialize in ranged damage-dealing or in aiding their allies as a healer by harnessing the mystical gifts of dragonkind. They’ll awake from their slumber in the Forbidden Reach, where they’ll take up their training to join the forces of dragonkind in the defense of the isles.
Ascend to New Heights
Dragonflight introduces Dragonriding, an all-new skill-based method of aerial movement that allows players to take to the skies on the back of their personal Dragon Isles Drake. Players will customize their drake as they progress through the expansion, collecting more appearance options and enabling them to fly farther and faster.
New Talent System
Dragonflight contains major updates to World of Warcraft classes, centering on the re-introduction of talent trees. The new talent system empowers players to make creative and meaningful talent choices without compromising their effectiveness—and most importantly, it gives them meaningful options at every level.
Updated Professions
Express yourself with the updated profession system with new features and tools to fuel the ambitions of crafters of any skill level.
Customize Your User Interface
Customize your User Interface (UI) and experience an updated Heads-Up Display (HUD) as you take on the challenges before you. [LEARN MORE]
New Dungeons
On November 28, Dragonflight will release with eight dungeons—four level-up dungeons, which can be taken on with friends as you work toward the new level cap of 70— and four maximum-level dungeons.
Dragonflight Season 1 and Raid Schedule
Dragonflight Season 1 goes live starting the week of December 12, bringing a new raid—Vault of the Incarnates— an updated rotation of challenging Mythic+ dungeons and a new PvP Season. Mark your calendars for the road ahead, and get ready to take on all new challenges. [LEARN MORE]
The Winds of Wisdom 50% Experience Buff Returns!
It’s a great time to return to World of Warcraft, level a new character, or prepare for the Dragonflight expansion as the Winds of Wisdom buff blows into Azeroth once more. [LEARN MORE]
Pre-Purchase Dragonflight Today!
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is now available for pre-purchase in-game and through the Blizzard Shop! Pre-purchase World of Warcraft: Dragonflight or the Complete Collection now to unlock a trove of items to aid you in your coming adventures.
The expansion is also available for pre-purchase as a boxed Collector’s Set: in addition to an Epic edition digital key, players can explore Dragonflight’s visual development with the Art of Dragonflight hardcover book, upgrade their set-up with the powerful visage of an Alexstrasza mousepad, and add iconic representations of Azeroth’s five primary dragon flights in a five-pin collector’s set. [LEARN MORE]
Visit the official site to learn more about the Dragonflight expansion and get ready to take on new adventures in Azeroth!
Dragonflight Season 1 and Raid Schedule
Dragonflight Season 1 goes live starting the week of December 12, bringing a new raid, an updated rotation of challenging Mythic+ dungeons, and a new PvP Season. Mark your calendars for the road ahead and get ready to take on all new challenges.
New Raid: Vault of the Incarnates

Vault of the Incarnates is the first raid players will experience in Dragonflight, featuring eight all-new boss encounters.
The Primalists breached the Titan prison used to hold the Incarnates for millennia. Within, Raszageth performs a foul ritual to unleash her siblings so together they can purge the world of the Titans’ influence. The champions of Azeroth must assault this impregnable fortress and break their defenses to end this threat. While many could fall, defeat condemns all the realms to the Incarnates’ reign of fire and blood.
Raid Release Schedule:
- Week of December 12: Normal, Heroic, and Mythic Vault of the Incarnates will open with the weekly maintenance for each region
- Week of December 19: Vault of the Incarnates Raid Finder Wing 1 opens
- Week of January 2: Vault of the Incarnates Raid Finder Wing 2 opens
- Week of January 16: Vault of the Incarnates Raid Finder Wing 3 opens
Cross-Faction Mythic and Hall of Fame Eligibility
Cross-faction Mythic Vault of the Incarnates will be available from the start. Hall of Fame entries will require at least 16 out of 20 raiders to be from the same guild and faction to be eligible for rewards. See this support article for more information.
New Dungeon Rotation
Dragonflight Season 1 will feature a new dungeon rotation for Mythic+. Four dungeons from Dragonflight are included, and four returning dungeons from previous expansions. Here’s the full lineup:
- Ruby Life Pools
- The Nokhud Offensive
- The Azure Vault
- Algeth’ar Academy
- Halls of Valor (from the Legion™ expansion)
- Court of Stars (from the Legion™ expansion)
- Shadowmoon Burial Grounds (from the Warlords of Draenor™ expansion)
- Temple of the Jade Serpent (from the Mists of Pandaria™ expansion)

M+ and PvP Season 1 will also begin the week of December 12 with regional maintenance. For Dragonflight, there will be no loot caps for Mythic+ on the first week, as Mythic Vault of the Incarnates will open at the same time.
Mythic+ Dungeon Affixes
For Season 1, we’re introducing a new affix, but the Necrotic and Inspiring affixes won’t be making an appearance. More information on this new affix will be released at a later date.
A Rewarding New Season Ahead
Dragonflight Season 1 will feature familiar exclusive rewards such as the Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge achievements for raids, Keystone Master achievements, rewards for Mythic+, and Gladiator rewards for PvP. Closer to the start of Season 1, we’ll share more information on seasonal rewards and how to obtain them.
Hic Sunt Dracones—”Here be dragons.”
The journey to the Dragon Isles is about to begin. We look forward to joining you in a new age of adventure in Dragonflight. See you in Azeroth!