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Supreme Lord Kazzak Raiding Guide

Hey guys I’m Mezzy from WoW Weekly and today we’ll be taking a look at Supreme Lord Kazzak in Tanaan Jungle. The essence of this fight comes down to this: Tank him facing away from the raid, taunt on tank debuff, have the rest of your raid spread out and dps the adds when they spawn. But for good measure let’s go over each of the 4 abilities individually.

His first ability is Fel Breath. This will deal a large amount of damage to everyone infront of Kazzak and increases their damage taken by Fel Breath by 100% for 30 seconds. To deal with this face him away from the raid and tankswap after every breath.

His second ability is Mark of Kazzak. This increases your damage and healing done by 100% but you will damage anyone within 8 yards of yourself for the damage or healing you do. This is why you will want your raid to be spread out.

His third ability is Supreme doom. This will reduce multiple players health to 1 and if they are not brought back up to 50% health before the debuff expires, they will deal damage to the entire raid. You will have 10 seconds to heal them back up, so this should be no threat at all.

And then his last ability is Twisted Reflection. At 66% and 33% health he will summon Twisted Reflections. These will walk towards Kazzak and if they reach him they will heal him for 2% health. So when these spawn, kill them quickly as they have almost no health at all.

And that’s all there is to Kazzak, he’s a very simple and easy world boss so enjoy the loot!

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