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WoD Beta: Garrison Stables Questline

Today we’ll take a look at the first 2 types of quests of the Stables in your Garrison! The first perk of your Garrison is that you can tame and train Draenor beasts. Parts of the stables questline are bugged though, so we will have to wait and see for now if they become actual mounts! Nevertheless, the first 2 types of stables quests:

Nagrand Rare Locations Guide

In Warlords of Draenor there are many rares in each zone, a lot of them are to kill while leveling to diversify the leveling experience. It’s a combined and improved version of leveling and the timeless isle. To help you keep track of them all we’ve compiled a list of all the rares we’ve been able to find. Remember WoD is still in beta, anything can change. If we missed any feel free to leave a comment with the location and name of the rare mob or event. Click on the map for a full size version.

Number Rare Name Image Comments
1 Redclaw the Feral  photo NagrandRare1_zpsaceb5cea.jpg
2 Hyperious  photo NagrandRare2_zpse09bb253.jpg Lava hurts
3 Netherspawn  photo NagrandRare3_zps338f99ec.jpg Drops Netherspawn, spawn of Netherspawn pet
4 Ophiis  photo NagrandRare4_zps50e89368.jpg
5 Graveltooth  photo NagrandRare5_zps896d6bc5.jpg
6 Fangler  photo NagrandRare6_zps85e36ad2.jpg Click the fishing pole nearby.
7 Grizzlemaw  photo NagrandRare7_zpscf662cfd.jpg
8 Marlos Stonesunder Image Missing
9 Gnarlhoof the Rabid  photo NagrandRare9_zps449390a6.jpg
10 Flinthide  photo NagrandRare10_zps6e9482bd.jpg
11 Greatfeather  photo NagrandRare11_zps920fe6f5.jpg
12 Warmaster Blugthol  photo NagrandRare12_zps971693c7.jpg
13 Soulfang  photo NagrandRare13_zpse004bcb2.jpg
14 Berserk T-300 Series Mark II  photo NagrandRare14_zpse5a2f5d8.jpg Some climbing required
15 Tura’aka  photo NagrandRare15_zps52161e12.jpg
16 Gar’lua the Wolfmother  photo NagrandRare16_zpsc30025a1.jpg
17 Mr. Pincy Sr.  photo NagrandRare17_zpsd9fec2ea.jpg
18 Windcaller Korast  photo NagrandRare18_zps5459d707.jpg
19 Karosh Blackwind  photo NagrandRare19_zps6732c549.jpg
20 Sean Whitesea  photo NagrandRare20-1_zps29234b9d.jpg Open the chest to trigger the rare encounter
21 Scout Rokhar  photo NagrandRare21_zpsf4dc2892.jpg
22 Gaz’orda  photo NagrandRare22_zps94bff335.jpg


Curse of Naxxramas – Frostwyrm Lair Opening Times

Quote from: Blizzard
Prepare yourself for new cards, new bosses and more fun with the final wing of Curse of Naxxramas: Frostwyrm Lair!

Frostwyrm Lair will open at the following times per region:

Americas: Tuesday, August 19th at 11:59 PM PDT
Europe: Tuesday, August 19th at 11:59 PM CEST
Korea/Taiwan: Wednesday , August 20th at 12:59 AM KST / Tuesday, August 19th 11:59 PM CST
China: Tuesday, August 19th at 11:59 PM CST

(Americas Region) The cards that players can acquire in Frostwyrm Lair will be featured on the official Hearthstone blog here once Frostwyrm Lair is live in the Americas region.

Good luck and have fun acquiring new cards for your Hearthstone collection!

Play With the Blues: Thursday August 21

Quote from: Blizzard
It’s time to play with Blues on the Beta realms! Help us put the Premade Groups feature through its paces by creating and joining lots of Dungeon and 3v3 Arena groups. During the playtest, you’ll have a chance to encounter members of the Warcraft Development Team like Watcher, Celestalon, and Holinka, in addition to QA, CS, and CM team members as we join you for a Dungeon run or Arena match.

What: Create Premade Groups, run Dungeons, and 3v3 Arena groups with Blizzard employees!
When: Thursday, August 21, 2014 from 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM PDT.
Where: Level 100 PvE and Level 100 PvP Beta realms
How you’ll know they’re a Blue: Blizzard employees will be in a guild called <Blizzard Alliance> or <Blizzard Horde> respectively for the duration of the event.

How to create a Premade Group:

  • For Dungeons, access the Group Finder pane (bound to I key by default.)
  • Select Premade Groups –> Dungeons –> Find a Group or Start a Group


  • For Arenas, access the Player vs. Player pane (bound to H key by default.)
  • Select Premade Groups –> Arenas –> Find a Group or Start a Group (3v3)

If you want to learn more about improvements to Group Finder in Warlords of Draenor; check out Premade Groups: Looking for Adventure.

For information on how to create a level-100 template character, submitting a bug report, or suggestion; check out Welcome to the Beta Test: PLEASE READ!

Good, wholesome fun for the whole family! We look forward to grouping with you. 🙂

Raid Testing Schedule – August 19

Mythic raid testing is starting!

Quote from: Blizzard
On Tuesday, August 19, we will continue Warlords raid testing, moving on to Mythic difficulty. As always given the nature of beta, it is quite possible that there will be technical or gameplay issues that disrupt the testing. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.Mythic difficulty is designed for a fixed-size 20-player group. Note that all 20 raid members must be on the same Beta server.

Each encounter should be available at approximately the listed times below on all Beta servers.

Tuesday, August 19

Flamebender Ka’graz – Mythic FoundryBeastlord Darmac
10:30 PDT (13:30 EDT, 19:30 CEST)

Beastlord Darmac – Mythic Foundry
13:30 PDT (16:30 EDT, 22:30 CEST)

Oregorger – Mythic Foundry
16:00 PDT (19:00 EDT, 01:00 CEST)

As always, this testing schedule is very fluid and subject to the realities of a beta environment. We might have to change the time of a testing session, change the boss being tested, or cancel a test entirely, due to bugs, fire, server hardware issues, etc. Keep an eye on this forum for the latest information, and thank you in advance for testing and providing feedback.

Important Testing Notes

Q: How do I get into the raid zone?

A: In Stormwind, Orgrimmar, Dalaran, Shattrath, the two Vale Shrines, and your garrison, you may speak to Nexus-Lord Donjon Rade in order to teleport into the raid zone while it is open for testing. (The option to teleport into a zone will not be available when the zone is not open for testing.) Note that new teleport NPC locations have been added to other expansions’ capital cities, as well as near the zone portals in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

Q: What character should I use to test the raid?

A: Whichever you prefer. We will be scaling players’ effective level to 100 for raid testing, and their item level to an appropriate threshold for the encounter(s) being tested.

Q: How long does testing last?

A: The primary purpose of testing is to give us the information we need to balance the encounters, evaluate how mechanics are playing out in practice, and identify bugs. Once we’re satisfied that we’ve received that information for a given boss, we’ll be shutting down testing. Usually this takes anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours, but there are no guarantees.

If all goes well there will also be testing on Friday!

Quote from: Blizzard
For planning purposes, we’re aiming to do another 3 Mythic bosses on Friday, beta stability permitting.

Tom Chilton Interview 4 – Gamescom

Tom Chilton also got interviewed by Blizzplanet, here’s an overview of the information we had not heard yet from other interviews:

  • First all the garrison buildings were going effect your missions but as they were tested they wanted them to have more of an effect on you out in the world. So most buildings will have an impact on your gameplay in the world.
  • The next beta push (possibly the one being pushed on to the beta right now) will expand some of the garrison buildings functionality.
  • If you win the battle royale event from the gladiator’s sanctum building you’ll have access to some special armor outfits noone else has.
  • The story for Ashran and the faction hubs is that they are strategically placed, both the horde and alliance want to stop the Iron Horde but don’t have a permanent solution yet. So Ashran is the perfect location to keep an eye on the Dark Portal as the Iron Horde wants to rebuild it.
  • A Tabard system might be developed at the same time as the new transmog system. They will have to see.
  • It is unsure if Farahlon will fit within the content of this expansion.
  • One issue with Bladespire and Karabor as faction hubs was that they were so big that there wasn’t enough to fill them up (With things Garrisons don’t already have). Meaning you’d have to run big distances from one place to another (auctioneer to bank).

Spires of Arak Follower Locations Guide

In Warlords of Draenor you can recruit followers for your garrison each zone. You’ll come across a lot during questing, but the zones are so big you might miss them. As we discover the rarer followers we’ll add them to the liast as well. To help you keep track of them all we’ve compiled a list of all the rares we’ve been able to find. Remember WoD is still in beta, anything can change. If we missed any feel free to leave a comment with the location and name of the rare mob or event. Click on the map for a full size version.

Number Follower Name Image Comments
1 Admiral Taylor  photo SpiresofArakFollower1_zpsa50c9b18.jpg Alliance, Complete the quests in Taylor’s Garrison
1 Ziri’ak Image Missing Choose the trading post outpost building, the vendor can sell this follower
2 Kimzee Pinchwhistle  photo SpiresofArakFollower2_zpsf9b9c578.jpg Complete the quests at Clutchpop Gearworks
3 Weldon Barov  photo SpiresofArakFollower3_zps64c50779.jpg Lumber Mill required
4 Talonpriest Ishaa  photo SpiresofArakfollower4_zps412aa84a.jpg  Complete the Spires of Arak quests
5 Leorajh  photo Spiresofarakfollower5_zpseeb78791.jpg  Climb to the near top of the mountain (via the south side) and defeat the mobs inside the cave