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Curse of Naxxramas – The Military Quarter Opening Times

Quote from: Blizzard
You’ve made it out of the Plague Quarter with your health intact – now prepare yourself for new cards, new bosses and more fun with Curse of Naxxramas: The Military Quarter!

The Military Quarter will open at the following times per region:

Americas: Tuesday, August 5th at 11:59 PM PDT
Europe: Tuesday, August 5th at 11:59 PM CEST
Korea/Taiwan: Wednesday , August 6th at 12:59 AM KST / Tuesday, August 5th 11:59 PM CST
China: Tuesday, August 5th at 11:59 PM CST

(Americas Region) The cards that players can acquire in The Military Quarter will be featured on the official Hearthstone blog here once The Military Quarter is live in the Americas region.

Good luck and have fun acquiring new cards for your Hearthstone collection!

Garrison Building Perk Changes

garrisons pic
This morning’s patch has brought some changes to some of the building perks for the garrisons. Here’s an overview of the changes:

Building Removed Effect Added Effect
Barracks Level 2 Increases follower cap by 10 Increases follower cap by 5
Mage Tower Specific portals per level Each level allows you to choose a portal to 1 ogre gateway
Bunker Level 3 Gives one extra raid bonus roll per week You get one of the 3 bonus roll coins per week for free
Trading Post Level 2 Gives you access to the auction house in your garrison
Gladiator’s Sanctum (Sparring Arena) Level 1 Allows the collection of broken bones from enemy players (used for Conqueror’s Tribute)
Gladiator’s Sanctum (Sparring Arena) Level 2 Gives access to Nemesis quest series for defeating enemy players of specific races
Gladiator’s Sanctum (Sparring Arena) Level 3 Grants access to the Battle Royale arena event

These changes make the Gladiator’s sanctum interesting to pvp players while the bunker will no longer be mandatory for progression focused raiders.

WoD Beta: Toybox First Look

A new beta build went up this morning and it allowed EU players to copy their characters! Which of course meant it was time to take a look at the toybox! A slight lack of sleep went into the making of this video!

Save the Date! You’re Invited to a Warlords World Premiere, New Animated Mini-Series: Lords of War

The release date and cinematic for Warlords of Draenor will be announced next week!

Quote from: Blizzard
Save the Date! You’re Invited to a Warlords World Premiere

A storm of iron is headed Azeroth’s way—be among the first to witness its fury at the world premiere of the Warlords of Draenor cinematic! Join Blizzard’s Mike Morhaime, Chris Metzen, and World of Warcraft designers Ion Hazzikostas and Brian Holinka for the grand unveiling, streamed live from the Ace Theatre in Los Angeles. But that’s not all—we’ll also host a live interview with the WoW developers, announce the Warlords of Draenor launch date, and debut the first episode of a new animated lore mini-series: Lords of War. You won’t want to miss it!

When: Thursday, August 14 at 9:30 a.m. PDT (18:30 CEST)
Where: Join us on WorldofWarcraft.com to watch the live stream, or attend** the event live at the Theatre at Ace Hotel, located at 929 South Broadway in Los Angeles. (Doors open at 8:30 a.m.)

Live Attendee Bonus: Anyone who joins us live and in person in L.A. will also receive a beta key for Warlords of Draenor.*       

*Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Seating is limited and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, so be sure to get there early! Beta keys will be given out to everyone who comes down for the live event.

**Please note: World of Warcraft is rated T for Teen; some content on display at the event may not be suitable for children ages of 12 or younger. Anyone 12 years of age or under must be accompanied by an adult.

So not only will we get the release date and the WoD cinematic, we will also get a new mini series about the warlords! Something like the burdens of shaohao seems extremely likely.

As far as speculating about the release date goes, the announcement now could indicate an october or even late september release. However given the current state of the beta a late november or december release date seems more likely. It’s really fingers crossed on this one to just hope it’s the former rather than the latter, we are approaching the 1 year anniversary for Siege of Orgrimmar and everyone could use a change of scenery! At the same time patch 6.0 isn’t even on the PTR yet and last time anything was said about 6.0, it was said it would go to the live servers 4 to 6 weeks before the release of WoD. Which would give the early option a really really tight release schedule.

Podcast Episode 42 WoD Speculations

WoW Weekly  Banner

The podcast is back in it’s regular form! Today we talk about the server wide auction houses, the Gamescom special WoD event and the alliance chopper. We also answer fan questions about illidan stormrage, garrisons and the beta content!

Heroes of the Storm: Update on Artifacts and Talent Unlocks

An update welcome by many on the artifact and talent unlock system was just announced for the Heroes of the Storm alpha.

Quote from: Blizzard

As we’ve mentioned previously, the Heroes of the Storm Technical Alpha is the earliest in a development cycle that we’ve ever invited the community to test one of our games. It’s an opportunity for us to try new ideas in their infancy, and work with all of you to help us make a better game. We’re fortunate to have so many passionate people taking part in testing, and we’d like to take a moment to address your feedback on the artifact and per-hero talent unlocking systems.


Artifacts were designed to provide you with a meaningful way to spend gold, while also providing additional options to customize your heroes. We wanted to test artifacts in the Alpha to find out if the system fulfilled those goals. As testing began, many of you voiced concerns around fairness issues, “correct build” issues, balance, new player tension, and other issues that made it clear that artifacts weren’t working as intended. We agree—those issues started to outweigh the benefits of the system.

As a result, we have decided to remove the artifact system from Heroes of the Storm with a patch scheduled for later today. We will explore different ways to give you fun and compelling options for spending gold, while avoiding the problems that the initial artifact system created. We don’t have any updates on what our future systems may be, but we’ll be sure to keep you informed and look forward to getting your feedback on alternate systems.

Per-Hero Talent Unlocks

We’ve also seen a lot of feedback about changes we made to the talent unlocking system with our most recent patch. Our intention was to gradually expose new players to heroes and their talents, with meaningful progression that could be obtained relatively quickly on a per-hero basis.  Since making this change, many of you have shared your frustration with the time it takes to unlock a hero’s talents.

Beginning with today’s scheduled patch, reaching hero level 4 will be more than three times faster than the original implementation. Unlocking all talents on a hero can be done in as few as three games with friends in versus mode. We hope this will achieve our goals for maintaining gradual talent exposure while lowering the barrier to entry substantially enough to be acceptable to the average player.

Additional feedback revealed that initial talents did not feel as powerful or optimal as later choices. We want all of a hero’s starting talent choices to be useful and viable. We’ll continue striving to meet this goal throughout the alpha, beta, and beyond, and we’d love to hear from you if you’ve got specific feedback on a hero’s starting talents.

Thanks to your feedback and testing efforts, we’ve arrived at changes that will make Heroes of the Storm a better game. We hope you’ll continue to share your feedback with us throughout this phase of testing, and beyond.

GL HF, and we’ll see you in the Nexus!