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Normal/Heroic Oregorger Raiding Guide

OregorgerHey guys I’m Mezzy from WoW Weekly and welcome to this warlords of draenor raiding guide. Today we’ll be taking a look at Oregorger in Heroic Blackrock Foundry. These tactics also apply to the normal version.

The Oregorger has a mana bar, and each of his abilities uses 5 mana. When he reaches 0 mana he will go into phase 2.

In phase 1 the most important ability is Acid Torrent. This will deal a huge amount of physical damage to the first player to get hit by the ball (which should be the tank). After this it will deal a big amount of AoE damage to the entire raid, this damage is reduced by the amount of damage reduction on the player got hit first, which again should be the tank. The tank can and should be using their damage reduction cooldowns, as well as possibly external cooldowns, to reduce the damage on the raid as a whole. You will want to tank swap after every Acid Torrent.

By tankswapping at that point you will negate having to watch for the Acid Maw stacks, which is a stacking dot done on the tank.

Other than that, there are 2 dodgeable abilities in phase 1. The first one is for the ranged players, called Retched Blackrock, these are void zones which you will just have to move out of. To deal with this have your ranged and healers all stacked on top of each other, hugging the wall. Move forward after every Retched Blackrock and if you get in melee range of the boss move further down the next hallway. You don’t want to be in melee range because of the next ability.

The other ability is called Explosive Shard, which will target a melee player, dealing damage and knocking them back and after 3 seconds it will explode again dealing even more damage and stunning those that get hit. Because of this you will want your melee to be behind the boss, either all the way to the left of his back, or all the way to the right. This way the shard will spawn on either side where the melee can stand and the melee can dodge it by moving to the other side. You don’t want anyone standing between the two melee spots so that the shard doesn’t spawn there and hit every one of your melee players.

His final ability is called Blackrock Barrage. This will give him 3 charges of a buff which you can see on the boss. He will start casting it and each time he does it uses up a stack. This is an AoE, which can and should be interrupted. If you interrupt it you will preserve the Oregorger’s mana and prolong phase 1, which is what you want. Just have an interrupt rotation of 3 players going so that player 1 always interrupts the first barrage, player 2 the second and player 3 the last. You really don’t want to have these interrupts missed as getting a barrage hit right after an acid torrent can hurt your raid quite a bit.

Once the Oregorger reaches 0 mana, he will go into phase 2. He will do what a goren does best, and roll around the room, which is set up like a maze. If you get hit by him you’ll take a chunk of damage, so you’ll want to dodge him as much as possible. He will also deal damage to everyone in the raid every time he hits a wall. This damage also increases the longer he’s in phase 2, so you’ll want to get him back to phase 1 as quickly as possible.

While rolling around he will always have 2 sides to roll to and choose 1 at random. However it’s not so random when there’s blackrock ore to be eaten. When blackrock ore is in the maze, he will choose the shortest path to get to that ore.

You make the ore spawn by destroying the blackrock ore boxes around the room. You simply dps them down to do so. The Oregorger will, as his name suggests, eat up the ore which will replenish his mana. Once he’s back at 100% mana, he’ll go back into phase 1. He will gain 10 mana per ore meaning you will need to destroy at least 10 boxes.

It seems like a complex fight at first but it’s actually quite simple.

In phase 1, move along the wall with your ranged group to dodge the Retched Blackrock, have your tanks intercept the Acid Torrent by standing infront of the boss, tankswap after every hit of Torrent, have your melee move away from shards and have an interrupt rotation for Barrage.

In phase 2 make sure you don’t get hit by not standing in the Oregorger’s path and stay in range of healers. Dps the crates so that the blackrock ore spawns and the boss will eat them. Once he reaches 100 mana he goes back into phase 1 and it becomes a rinse and repeat fight.

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