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Category: Warlords of Draenor

Mythic Gruul Raiding Guide

gruulHey guys I’m Mezzy from WoW Weekly and welcome to this warlords of draenor raiding guide. Today we’ll be taking a look at Gruul in Mythic Blackrock Foundry. This video will focus on the changes to the mythic encounter, so if you don’t know the heroic mechanics check out our guide in the annotation.

On Mythic you’ll have to deal with a lot of damage and shortened ability timers. This means that everyone needs to bring their a-game because it’s going to hurt.

Before we get into the actual difficulty of the fight, let’s talk about what’s new. On mythic there is one new environmental ability. Every 15 or so seconds the furnaces around the room will breathe fire and throw flares into the room. These are big balls of fire that are easy to see and that you need to dodge. If you get hit by one of the flares you’ll get a 15 second debuff that will increase your fire damage taken by 20%. This will stack if you get hit by more than 1 flare. So it all comes down to simply not getting hit and not standing in front of the furnaces.

Other than that, let’s talk Inferno Slices. This is what the fight is really about. You will still want to have 2 groups of dps and healers to soak the slices. Each group will now take 2 slices though instead of 1 before the other group soaks.

You will also still use the concept that we used in heroic mode with whichever tank is soaking slices is not currently tanking the boss. You’ll obviously use taunts before and after the Inferno slices. You can cover the tanking with 2 or 3 tanks. If you use 2 tanks it means that each tank will have to take 3 inferno slices before they tank the boss. If you use 3 tanks they each take 2.

In both scenarios, the tanks will need to use both personal and external cooldowns to survive the slashes. If you decide to use 3 tanks you would rotate them as follows:
Tank A starts tanking Gruul, Tank B takes the first 2 slices on Group 1 and Tank C tanks nothing, he dpses the boss and makes sure not to stand near group 1 to not get hit by slices.
Once Tank B gets his second slice, he keeps Gruul and tanks him. Tank C will then take 2 slices on Group 2 and Tank A should not get hit by anything.
Again after 2 slices Tank C will tank Gruul, Tank A will take 2 slices and tank B will not get hit by anything. Rinse and Repeat. When a destructive rampage occurs, rotate to the next set.

One final change on mythic mode is that the Petrifying slam will now petrify everyone except for the tanks. This means you will need to make sure that everyone is 8 yards away from each other when they become petrified. As it affects pretty much the entire raid we use a raid wide healing cooldown after the petrification to get everyone back up because the inferno slices will continue to happen.

With the changes out of the way there are a few other tips I want to give you. The amount of healers you can use really depends on how good your dps is. If your dps can still make the enrage timer with 6 healers then it might not be a bad idea to use that many for your first kill. However 4 to 5 healers is the more appropriate number of healers you would expect for such a fight.

Using personal cooldowns for inferno slices as a dps can really help out your healers a lot. Using immunities like deterrence to still soak part of the slice but not get another stack of the debuff is something your healers will greatly appreciate.

And then finally, the cave ins are a big pain on mythic due to the amount of damage they do. So you do not want to get these on your melee and healers. To reduce the chance of that happening, as a ranged dps you can stand to the back of the room when you’re not being sliced. Inferno slice reaches the back of the room so it means you do not always have to stand on top of each other. Do note that when you are being sliced you definitely want to make use of healing sources such as healing rain, so don’t be afraid to move forward.

If you liked this raiding guide, please comment, subscribe and click the like button! If you would like to keep up with when new videos come out but you don’t have a youtube account you can follow us on twitter or facebook, at twitter.com/bbmezzy or facebook.com/wowweekly. Also be sure to check out our website wowweekly.net where you can find written content as well. For now I’m Mezzy and I’ll see you again next time.

Watcher on Legendary Ring Proc in 6.2, 6.1.2 Hotfixes: May 7

Watcher on Legendary Ring Proc in 6.2

Watcher took to the forums to address some concerns about how the legendary ring works when you upgrade it in patch 6.2.

Quote from: Blizzard

Let me try to address a few of the concerns raised in the thread and explain our thinking.

First off, why this wacky raidwide effect? Why not a traditional legendary that is purely individual? The idea’s origins lie in what this particular legendary is: a ring. It’s not a weapon designed to strike foes, or a shield to protect you from harm. And what is the nature of a ring? Whether we’re talking about seven rings for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, about Captain Planet, or about common social covenants in our own societies, rings tend to be paired with counterparts, and to have their meaning derived from the connections entailed therein. A lot of fluff, perhaps, but that’s what got us thinking along the lines of a group effect rather than a personal one. This certainly isn’t a template for all future legendaries, but we find it very fitting for this particular one.

Now, some of the concerns that have been voiced:

1) “It will be used mechanically on cooldown”

Sometimes, sure – it depends on the fight. The healing/tank versions certainly won’t be used that way, and the DPS ring also has elements (notably the AoE explosion at the end) that add additional depth to the decision of when to activate it. Let’s consider the fights in Foundry, since those are probably more familiar examples than Hellfire, and imagine how the ring might have been put to best use while progressing on a few of those encounters:

  • Blast Furnace: Largely wasted if you use it on the pull; you might save the first activation for the second pair of Operators, and then during the second phase you’d aim for windows of Elementalist vulnerability, since that’s what matters most.
  • Operator Thogar: Here we run into some unique considerations associated with the explosion. You could activate the ring in advance of a Man-at-Arms wave, getting a damage burn on Thogar while you build up the potential AoE that will go off just in time to alpha-strike the dangerous enemies right as they jump off a train car.
  • Flamebender: If you aren’t running into her berserk, the Cinder Wolves are your main concern. You’d probably benefit from waiting until she’s at 45 or so Energy, and timing the explosion to get a large head start on the Wolves. Especially on Mythic.
  • Blackhand: Aside from the obvious uses to speed up phase 1 and phase 3, I could see having your initiating player as the person who’s about to get knocked up onto a balcony with a fresh wave spawn due, timing the explosion to pretty much erase the whole wave of enemies right as they exit the door on the ledge.

Now, on something like Gruul, you probably would just use it on cooldown every time. But I’d say Gruul is more the exception than the norm.

2) “It feels bad to have someone else control my legendary”

This is a fair point, and I sympathize. Setting aside the fact that when doing any solo content you have complete control over the activation, there is still more control with this legendary than with nearly any of our prior examples. Procs could occur at completely inopportune times, often wasting them entirely, and whether you got lucky and had Xuen’s cloak trigger just as a large pack of enemies got clumped together, or whether it fired 10 seconds earlier or later, could drastically alter your total damage on a given encounter.

At its core, the legendary ring is a raid item – the vast majority of the content and the collection steps take you through raid content – and players who are part of a raid group are by definition cooperating and coordinating to tackle challenges. The rings add another layer to that teamwork. Even outside structured guild raiding, it’s neither typical nor tolerated in pickup groups for, say, a mage to use Time Warp to maximize personal damage at the expense of the raid, and I’d be surprised if it’s common to see it done with the ring. Now, yes, in Raid Finder, though you also won’t generally be seeing raids with tons of ring-wearers, you’ll probably see some selfish behavior. But even then, the effect isn’t wasted (merely suboptimal), and that action isn’t likely to affect the group’s success or failure on the encounter as a whole given Raid Finder’s tuning.

3) “The effect isn’t fair/balanced and is worse for <my spec> than <other specs>”

True. We could have made a perfectly evenhanded ring effect – something like “Equip: Increases damage and healing done by 10%.” That also would have been very lackluster. Nearly any effect with any depth to it will benefit some more than others so long as our classes/specs have varied strengths and weaknesses. (And we don’t feel that class homogenization is the answer, either.) Over the course of a fight, that may amount to a difference of a couple percent damage, if that. Hopefully we continue to make interesting and unusual items, and some of those will favor specs that feel the ring was suboptimal for them.

6.1.2 Hotfixes: May 7

There was also a small hotfix a few days ago, nerfing Blackhand in Blackrock Foundry.

Quote from: Blizzard
6.1.2 Hotfixes: May 7

Here you’ll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft Patch 6.1.2. Hotfixes are updates made on our end without requiring a new client-side patch. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require the realm to be restarted to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.

The latest batch of hotfixes are listed below. Previous hotfixes have been compiled by category to provide a quick summary of all hotfixes that have been applied since the start of World of Warcraft Patch 6.1.2.

Tags may be added to some hotfixes to denote a special condition.

  • [Requires a realm restart] means the hotfix will not take effect until after a scheduled rolling restart or maintenance.
  • [Hotfix in testing] means the hotfix is in early stages of testing and may not be implemented just yet. However, the change is important and is posted to provide as much advanced notice as possible.

May 7

Raids and Dungeons

Blackrock Foundry

  • Blackhand
    • Blackhand’s Demolition ability now deals 20% less damage and his Massive Demolition ability now deals 5% less damage on Normal, Heroic, and Mythic difficulties.

Patch 6.2 Preview—Bonus Events and Adventure Guide

Quote from: Blizzard
Patch 6.2 Preview—Bonus Events and Adventure Guide

As development continues on Patch 6.2, we’re excited to share some additional information on two new upcoming features—Bonus Events and the new Adventure Guide.

Bonus Events

The Bonus Events system consists of a rotating schedule of seven different activities, currently scheduled to run from Friday through Monday of each week. Each Bonus Event grants a passive bonus to a particular game activity and offers a once-per-event quest with a noteworthy reward for accomplishing a related goal. The in-game calendar (located in the upper right-hand corner of the mini-map) can serve as your one-stop reference for the event schedule. The Adventure Guide—discussed in detail below—will also offer a direct link to active Bonus Events, allowing you to easily accept any associated quests.

Timewalking—The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King

The schedule will feature two different Timewalking Bonus Events, each themed around an expansion: The Burning Crusade or Wrath of the Lich King. Your character’s level and gear scales down to the dungeon at Heroic difficulty, but the loot you receive is scaled back up, making it a great way to gear up characters as well as receive cool items for transmogrification. Completing three Timewalking dungeons as a part of a quest during the event awards a Seal for an extra bonus roll, which isn’t counted toward the weekly cap of three seals. Learn more about the Timewalking Bonus Event in our Patch 6.2 Preview – Timewalking.

Draenor Dungeons

While this Bonus Event is active, defeating enemies in any Draenor dungeon will award reputation with an appropriate faction. Completing two Mythic-difficulty Warlords dungeons as a part of a quest during the event awards a Heroic Hellfire Citadel Raid cache.


During the Battlegrounds Bonus Event, you’ll earn triple Honor points from random Battlegrounds. Completing the event quest by winning a few random Battlegrounds awards 500 Conquest Points, which do not count toward the weekly Conquest cap.

Arena Skirmishes

You’ll earn triple Honor points from random Arena Skirmish matches during this event. A quest to win several random Arena Skirmish matches will award 500 Conquest Points, which do not count toward the weekly Conquest cap.


If you’re trying to stock up on Apexis Crystals, you’ll be able to gain triple the amount from eligible creatures during this Bonus Event. Completing three area assault objectives during the event awards a sizable amount of Oil to fuel new Naval Missions as a part of your Shipyard. (More information on this new resource will be covered in a future Shipyards and Naval Missions preview.)

Pet Battles

During Pet Battle Bonus Events, you’ll be able to take your pets out for a little exercise and earn triple pet experience from battles. Winning five PvP Pet Battles as a part of a quest during the event awards the player with an Ultimate Battle-Training Stone that instantly levels a pet to 25.



Adventure Guide

Patch 6.2 also introduces the Adventure Guide, which acts as a landing page of sorts for our other in-game Journals, and makes it easier than ever to find content and activities that are relevant to your character.

…the Adventure Guide, which acts as a landing page of sorts for our other in-game Journals…

The Adventure Guide suggests content based on a number of factors, such as character level, item level, quest progress, achievements, and more. The Guide is fully interactive, allowing players to accept relevant quests or search for a group via Group Finder with a single click.


More Patch 6.2 Info

You can help test our new Bonus Events and the Adventure Guide on the Patch 6.2 PTR. Note that availability to test this content may be limited to certain time frames. Learn more about the upcoming Patch 6.2 and how to participate on the PTR in the 6.2 PTR Patch Notes.

WoW Subscribers Number Dropped to 7.1 Million, 6.1.2 Hotfixes: May 5

WoW Subscribers Number Dropped to 7.1 Million

The Q1 2015 Investor’s call took place last night and it revealed that at the end of March, WoW’s subscriber numbers had dropped to 7.1 Million players! This is a drop of 2.9 Million players since the end of 2014!

6.1.2 Hotfixes: May 5

Quote from: Blizzard
6.1.2 Hotfixes: May 5

Here you’ll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft Patch 6.1.2. Hotfixes are updates made on our end without requiring a new client-side patch. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require the realm to be restarted to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.

The latest batch of hotfixes are listed below. Previous hotfixes will be compiled by category to provide a quick summary of all hotfixes that have been applied since the start of World of Warcraft Patch 6.1.2.

Tags may be added to some hotfixes to denote a special condition.

  • [Requires a realm restart] means the hotfix will not take effect until after a scheduled rolling restart or maintenance.
  • [Hotfix in testing] means the hotfix is in early stages of testing and may not be implemented just yet. However, the change is important and is posted to provide as much advanced notice as possible.

Patch 6.1.2 Information

May 5

Raids and Dungeons

Blackrock Foundry

  • The Blast Furnace
    • Additional Bellows Operators should no longer incorrectly spawn after the fight has transitioned into Phase 2.

Bug Fixes


  • Patrol Mission Specialist: Fixed an issue where characters were not receiving credit for completing the achievement.

Patch 6.2 Zone Preview: Tanaan Jungle, Upcoming WoW eSports Events, 6.1.2 Hotfixes: April 28

Let’s catch up on the news of the last part of last week!

Patch 6.2 Zone Preview: Tanaan Jungle

Quote from: Blizzard
Patch 6.2 Zone Preview: Tanaan Jungle

Deep within Tanaan Jungle, the manipulations of the warlock Gul’dan have twisted what remains of the Iron Horde into a sinister new form—an army of fel orcs brimming with demonic strength and insatiable bloodlust. Now Gul’dan continues his machinations from inside the seemingly impenetrable Hellfire Citadel, plotting to open a portal for a massive invasion force.

In Patch 6.2, level 100 heroes of the Horde and the Alliance must return to Tanaan Jungle and stop Gul’dan before his dark plans bring about untold ruin. As part of your quest, you’ll explore Draenor’s darkest corners, confront twisted new foes, and face a new series of chapter-based quests that will put everything you’ve learned on Draenor to the test.


Getting to Tanaan Jungle

One does not merely stroll into Tanaan Jungle—there are preparations to be made, including establishing a Shipyard for your Garrison in a bid to take on this new threat from two directions: both land and sea. You’ll progress through a series of quests in which you’ll be asked to build a Shipyard, begin an assault on Tanaan by sea, and set up a new forward base hub—Vol’mar for the Horde and Lion’s Watch for the Alliance. Completing missions will provide materials for your Shipyard, supporting your ongoing efforts to control the seas of Draenor.

TanaanJungleBlog-Entry01_WoW_Thumb_JM_260x130.jpgTanaanJungleBlog-Entry02_WoW_Thumb_JM_260x130.jpg TanaanJungleBlog-Entry_WoW_LThumb_JM_550x200.jpg

The Story Continues

Much like the previous Garrison Campaign chapter-based quests, a new series of random quests will take players through the developing story and further into the jungles of Tanaan, including key locations such as the cave in which Kilrogg sacrificed his eye. Over the course of your journey, you’ll learn that Gul’dan and his fanatical allies have even more sinister plans up their sleeves.


Objective Hubs

Once your new outpost is established, you’ll go on the offensive and choose one of two hot spots each day to assault. Your goal is to undermine Gul’dan’s plan to drag the whole of Draenor into chaos. There are seven new areas to explore, including:

  • Ironhold Harbor: Stop the Iron Horde’s reinforcements from making landfall.
  • Ruins of Kra’nak: Stop Gul’dan’s Shadow Council from recruiting the arakkoa.
  • Temple of Sha’naar: Defeat demon-summoning Sargerei in this ruined temple.
  • The Felforge: You’ll need to throw a monkey wrench into the manufacturing of fel machinery.
  • The Iron Front: Hold the line in this massive battlefield to the west.
  • Throne of Kil’jaeden: You and your party will face elite creatures and attempt to stem the demonic tide.
  • Zeth’gol: Take your assault into the capital of the Bleeding Hollow.


More to Explore and Discover

There will be even more to discover as you make your way through the ongoing battle for Tanaan. Safety is an illusion, and the jungle houses more than just Gul’dan’s new Horde. The warlock’s influence has had a corrupting effect on the land, and the fel water that flows here taints everything it touches.


You’ll also discover more minor quest hubs and a variety of wildlife, along with dozens of new treasures and Rare creatures just waiting for unwary travelers to stumble upon. The path through this treacherous place is yours to forge.


Upcoming WoW eSports Events

Quote from: Blizzard
Since the release of Warlords of Draenor, we’ve seen a huge increase in the number of WoW tournaments being run! In this thread, you’ll find an up-to-date listing of upcoming WoW eSports events.

May 2015


  • NA Tournaments every Friday and Saturday at 6 PM Pacific / 9 PM Eastern / 3 AM Central Europe
  • EU Tournaments every Saturday and Sunday at 8 PM Central Europe / 12 PM Pacific / 2 PM Eastern
    • No EU Tournament May 2-3 to avoid scheduling conflict with ProGameX
  • Live stream: http://www.twitch.tv/gcdtv
  • Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gcdtv_

ProGameX’s Second WoD EU Tournament

ArenaMonster Opens 3v3 Tournament

Gamers League 3v3 Arena Tournament

Are you running an event that isn’t listed here? We’d love to hear from you! Get in touch with our eSports team by emailing [email protected]. Be sure to include “WoW” in your subject line!

6.1.2 Hotfixes: April 28

Quote from: Blizzard
6.1.2 Hotfixes: April 28

Here you’ll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft Patch 6.1.2. Hotfixes are updates made on our end without requiring a new client-side patch. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require the realm to be restarted to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.

The latest batch of hotfixes are listed below. Previous hotfixes will be compiled by category to provide a quick summary of all hotfixes that have been applied since the start of World of Warcraft Patch 6.1.2.

Tags may be added to some hotfixes to denote a special condition.

  • [Requires a realm restart] means the hotfix will not take effect until after a scheduled rolling restart or maintenance.
  • [Hotfix in testing] means the hotfix is in early stages of testing and may not be implemented just yet. However, the change is important and is posted to provide as much advanced notice as possible.

Patch 6.1.2 Information

April 28



  • General
    • Fellhunter’s Spell Lock ability and the version of Spell Lock obtained through Grimoire of Sacrifice should now correctly share a cooldown with each other.


Legendary Ring Quest Line

  • An Inside Job: Reduced the number of guards present and amount for health on all guards in the quest area.

Southern Barrens

  • Run Out the Guns: Rageroar Rowboats should now continue to spawn.

Bug Fixes


  • Home Alone can now be completed using alternate versions of a Hearthstone such as The Innkeeper’s Daughter or Garrison Hearthstone.

Raid Testing Schedule – April 29-30

Raid testing will continue on the PTR this week and an LFR wing will be open throughout the weekend!

Quote from: Blizzard
This Wednesday and Thursday, we will continue our Hellfire Citadel raid testing. As is always the case with PTR raid testing, it is quite possible that there will be technical or gameplay issues that disrupt our plans. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

Remember that Heroic difficulty scales for any group size between 10 and 30 players, so feel free to assemble and bring a group of any size within that range. Our general plan is to test every encounter on Heroic difficulty first, and then test sections of the raid on Normal and Raid Finder, alongside targeted Mythic tests.

Each encounter should be available at approximately the listed times below on all PTR servers.

Wednesday, April 29

Hellfire High Council – Heroic Hellfire Citadel
13:30 PDT (16:30 EDT, 22:30 CEST)

Mannoroth – Heroic Hellfire Citadel
15:00 PDT (18:00 EDT, 24:00 CEST)

Thursday, April 30

Hellfire Assault – Heroic Hellfire Citadel
13:30 PDT (16:30 EDT, 22:30 CEST)

Socrethar the Eternal – Heroic Hellfire Citadel
15:00 PDT (18:00 EDT, 24:00 CEST)

After the conclusion of our final Thursday test, we will open the Halls of Blood Raid Finder wing (Council, Kilrogg, and Gorefiend), and we plan to leave that wing active through the weekend. There will be no scheduled Friday testing.

As always, this testing schedule is very fluid and subject to the realities of a PTR environment. We might have to change the time of a testing session, change the boss being tested, or cancel a test entirely, due to bugs, server hardware issues, etc. Keep an eye on this forum for the latest information, and thank you in advance for testing and providing feedback.

Important Testing Notes

Q: How do I get into the raid zone?

A: In Stormwind, Orgrimmar, and your garrison, you may speak to Nexus-Lord Donjon Rade in order to teleport into the raid zone while it is open for testing. (The option to teleport into a zone will not be available when the zone is not open for testing.) You can also teleport to Tanaan and just walk in the standard entrance.

Q: How long does testing last?

A: The primary purpose of testing is to give us the information we need to balance the encounters, evaluate how mechanics are playing out in practice, and identify bugs. Once we’re satisfied that we’ve received that information for a given boss, we’ll be shutting down testing. Usually this takes anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours, but there are no guarantees.

Raid Testing Schedule – April 22-24, 6.1.2 Hotfixes: April 20 + 21

edit: updated post with the April 21st hotfixes

Raid Testing Schedule – April 22-24

Quote from: Blizzard

From this Wednesday through Friday, we will continue our Hellfire Citadel raid testing. As is always the case with PTR raid testing, it is quite possible that there will be technical or gameplay issues that disrupt our plans. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

Remember that Heroic difficulty scales for any group size between 10 and 30 players, so feel free to assemble and bring a group of any size within that range. Our general plan is to test every encounter on Heroic difficulty first, and then test sections of the raid on Normal and Raid Finder, alongside targeted Mythic tests.

Each encounter should be available at approximately the listed times below on all PTR servers.

Wednesday, April 22

Kilrogg Deadeye – Heroic Hellfire Citadel
13:30 PDT (16:30 EDT, 22:30 CEST)

Gorefiend – Heroic Hellfire Citadel
15:00 PDT (18:00 EDT, 24:00 CEST)

Thursday, April 23

Kormrok – Heroic Hellfire Citadel
13:30 PDT (16:30 EDT, 22:30 CEST)

Shadow-Lord Iskar – Heroic Hellfire Citadel
15:00 PDT (18:00 EDT, 24:00 CEST)

Friday, April 24

Tyrant Velhari – Heroic Hellfire Citadel
13:30 PDT (16:30 EDT, 22:30 CEST)

Fel Lord Zakuun – Heroic Hellfire Citadel
15:00 PDT (18:00 EDT, 24:00 CEST)

As always, this testing schedule is very fluid and subject to the realities of a PTR environment. We might have to change the time of a testing session, change the boss being tested, or cancel a test entirely, due to bugs, server hardware issues, etc. Keep an eye on this forum for the latest information, and thank you in advance for testing and providing feedback.

Important Testing Notes

Q: How do I get into the raid zone?

A: In Stormwind, Orgrimmar, and your garrison, you may speak to Nexus-Lord Donjon Rade in order to teleport into the raid zone while it is open for testing. (The option to teleport into a zone will not be available when the zone is not open for testing.) You can also teleport to Tanaan and just walk in the standard entrance.

Q: How long does testing last?

A: The primary purpose of testing is to give us the information we need to balance the encounters, evaluate how mechanics are playing out in practice, and identify bugs. Once we’re satisfied that we’ve received that information for a given boss, we’ll be shutting down testing. Usually this takes anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours, but there are no guarantees.

6.1.2 Hotfixes: April 20 + 21

Quote from: Blizzard
6.1.2 Hotfixes: April 20

Here you’ll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft Patch 6.1.2. Hotfixes are updates made on our end without requiring a new client-side patch. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require the realm to be restarted to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.

The latest batch of hotfixes are listed below. Previous hotfixes have been compiled by category to provide a quick summary of all hotfixes that have been applied since the start of World of Warcraft Patch 6.1.2.

Tags may be added to some hotfixes to denote a special condition.

  • [Requires a realm restart] means the hotfix will not take effect until after a scheduled rolling restart or maintenance.
  • [Hotfix in testing] means the hotfix is in early stages of testing and may not be implemented just yet. However, the change is important and is posted to provide as much advanced notice as possible.

April 21

Raids and Dungeons

Blackrock Foundry

  • The Blast Furnace
    • Fixed an issue where Heart of the Mountain’s Tempered debuff could incorrectly persist on a player pet.


  • Explorer’s Notebook or Garrison Scout Report used by players that already have an Exploration mission available should now be informed that they’re not eligible for additional missions of that type and no longer incorrectly consume the item.

April 20

Creatures and NPCs

Spires of Arak

  • Solar Magnifier should now allow players to loot it and no longer immediately despawn after being defeated.

Raids and Dungeons


  • Siege of Orgrimmar
    • Galakras: Fixed an issue where players could not advance to Phase 2 because Anti-Air turrets were not spawning correctly.