WoW Subscribers Number Dropped to 7.1 Million
The Q1 2015 Investor’s call took place last night and it revealed that at the end of March, WoW’s subscriber numbers had dropped to 7.1 Million players! This is a drop of 2.9 Million players since the end of 2014!
6.1.2 Hotfixes: May 5
![6.1.2 Hotfixes: May 5](
![6.1.2 Hotfixes: May 5](
Here you’ll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft Patch 6.1.2. Hotfixes are updates made on our end without requiring a new client-side patch. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require the realm to be restarted to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.
The latest batch of hotfixes are listed below. Previous hotfixes will be compiled by category to provide a quick summary of all hotfixes that have been applied since the start of World of Warcraft Patch 6.1.2.
Tags may be added to some hotfixes to denote a special condition.
- [Requires a realm restart] means the hotfix will not take effect until after a scheduled rolling restart or maintenance.
- [Hotfix in testing] means the hotfix is in early stages of testing and may not be implemented just yet. However, the change is important and is posted to provide as much advanced notice as possible.
Patch 6.1.2 Information
- Patch 6.1.2 Patch Notes
- Patch 6.1 Now Live
- 6.1 Patch Notes
- 6.1 Hotfixes
- Patch Installation & Troubleshooting
May 5
Raids and Dungeons
Blackrock Foundry
- The Blast Furnace
- Additional Bellows Operators should no longer incorrectly spawn after the fight has transitioned into Phase 2.
Bug Fixes
- Patrol Mission Specialist: Fixed an issue where characters were not receiving credit for completing the achievement.