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WoW Source Episode 3, Dev Tweets and BlizzCon 2014

Blizzard released a new WoW Source episode today. WoW Source is their interview / showcase type show where they shed some light on Warlords of Draenor and answer a few community questions. This time they talk about PvP, Ashran and a little about class changes.

It looks like players won’t be able to choose the location of their garrison anymore! The main reason seems to be that garrisons are now much more integrated in the leveling flow. For the horde it will be located in Frostfire Ridge and for the alliance in Shadowmoon Valley. Both their starting zones respectively.

Watcher (Ion Hazzikostas), who was also in the WoW Source episode, announced there will be a lot of information about raiding and the philosophy behind it for WoD next week!

And finally BlizzCon 2014 has been announced!

Quote from: Blizzard
BlizzCon® 2014 Conquers Anaheim November 7 and 8

Steel thyself, O mortal realm of Anaheim! The eighth BlizzCon is coming to your Convention Center this Friday, November 7 and Saturday, November 8, 2014. Prepare for two relentless days of Blizzard gaming and fellowship, including in-depth discussion panels with Blizzard developers, hands-on opportunities with the latest Blizzard games, and intense eSports tournaments featuring top pro gamers from across the earthly plane.

Tickets for BlizzCon 2014 will go on sale in two batches, one on May 8 at 4 a.m. CET and the other on May 10 at 7 p.m. CET through the online event ticketing service Eventbrite, priced at $199 each (plus applicable taxes and fees). In addition, a limited number of tickets to an exclusive pre-BlizzCon Benefit Dinner will go on sale Wednesday, May 15 at 4 a.m. CET for $750 apiece (plus applicable taxes and fees; BlizzCon admission included), with proceeds benefitting Children’s Hospital of Orange County. Check out the BlizzCon Ticket webpage for more information—we’ve made some changes to how ticket sales work this year, and fortune favors the prepared!

If you can’t make it to the show in person, the BlizzCon Virtual Ticket is the next best thing, offering comprehensive live coverage of the event via a multichannel Internet stream. Further details on the Virtual Ticket, including pricing, availability, and programming information, will be announced at a later date.

See the full press release or check out the BlizzCon Ticket page for more information, and be sure visit www.blizzcon2014.eventbrite.com at the dates and times above for a chance to purchase a ticket to the show. See you in Anaheim!

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