We just had the the announcement of Legion, the next WoW expansion! Here’s an overview of the most important things, you can click here to read every single detail, including per zone what was revealed.
- Level up to 110
- New continent “The Broken Isles”
- New Demon hunter class with 2 specs! 1 for dps and 1 for tanking
- 6 new zones
- Currently 9 new dungeons and 2 raids (17 bosses)
- Face off against an invasion of the legion that’s bigger than any invasion we’ve faced
- Get a special Artifact weapon that you can level up (1 weapon for each spec)
- Become the leader of your class’s Order Hall, recruit champions to aid you on the new continent
- The beta starts this year
- Dalaran will be the capital city
- There will be a new honor system for pvp that is basicly a talent system for pvp
The Cinematic showing what leads to Legion:
The features announcement video:
Some screenshots below: