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Warlords Login Screen, Read Hellscream, the prelude to Warlords of Draenor

A new beta patch was deployed tonight and it brought the new Warlords login screen. Welcome back to the Dark Portal! Click on the image for a full screen version.


Blizzard also released a new short story about Garrosh’s time in Draenor after he first goes there, setting the expansion in motion! If you have the time, it’s definitely worth the read!

Quote from: Blizzard
Read Hellscream, the prelude to Warlords of Draenor

“We will never be slaves! But we will be conquerors…”

The pit lord Mannoroth is dead.

Gul’dan and his followers are in chains.

In one night, Grommash Hellscream exposed and thwarted the forces that meant to subjugate the orcs. In one night, Hellscream proved himself a worthy warchief to the Iron Horde and set his people on a violent collision course with another world in another time.

But this was not meant to be. Who warned Hellscream of Gul’dan’s treachery? Who convinced him that Azeroth was a foe worth defeating at all costs?

Before Gul’dan’s dramatic fall, two strangers arrived on Draenor: Garrosh Hellscream, the deposed warchief of the Horde on Azeroth, and Kairozdormu, a bronze dragon whose motivations were clouded in mystery. The newest World of Warcraft short story, “Hellscream,” reveals how their actions on Draenor have placed all living beings on Azeroth in mortal peril. Read the short story here, and then delve deeper into the events surrounding the Iron Horde invasion in our lore archives: