Blizzard has released the schedule for the various raid unlocks as well as a preview for all Season 1 content going live next week.
The Primalists breached the Titan prison used to hold the Incarnates for millennia. Within, Raszageth performs a foul ritual to unleash her siblings so together they can purge the world of the Titans’ influence. The champions of Azeroth must assault this impregnable fortress and break their defenses to end this threat. While many could fall, defeat condemns all the realms to the Incarnates’ reign of fire and blood.
Raid bosses: 8
Difficulties: Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic, Mythic
Level: 70
Raid Finder Minimum Item Level: 359
Week of December 12—Normal, Heroic, and Mythic difficulties.
Week of December 19—Raid Finder Wing 1: The Primal Bulwark (Eranog, Dathea Ascended, The Primal Council) becomes available.
Week of January 2—Raid Finder Wing 2: Caverns of Infusion (Kurog Grimtotem, Sennareth the Cold Breath, Terros) becomes available.
Week of January 16—Raid Finder Wing 3: Fury of the storm (Broodkeeper Diurna, Raszageth The Storm-Eater) becomes available.

Eranog, commander of the Primalist forces, is relentless in his pursuit of power. With the incarnates’ release imminent, Eranog summons the whole of his army and will not hesitate to sacrifice his devoted followers to achieve victory.

Primalists sought to pull Terros, an unyielding force of destruction, from the elemental plane. However, their ritual was interrupted. Trapped between two worlds, this hulking terror seeks to free himself and obliterate everything in his path.

These masters of the elements are ruthless in their pursuit of power. Embar Firepath is as merciless as the fire she commands. Opalfang wields the might of the earth to crush her enemies. Kadros Icewrath is cold and cruel, while his sibling Dathea Stormlash is as wild and unpredictable as a raging storm.

Sennarth, Kurog Grimtotem’s most vicious creation, is a massive arachnid infused with the unforgiving cold. Her singular purpose is to guard her brood of thousands, awaiting the day they’ll hatch and enshroud Azeroth in a web of winter.

Driven manic by her defeat, Dathea strikes a bargain with Raszageth to attain even greater power. Imbued with a fraction of the Incarnate’s strength, Dathea gains control of the wind itself and unleashes its ferocity to tear her enemies apart.

Once a prized pupil of Magatha Grimtotem, this master of the primal elements is preparing to unleash his most devastating creations. If Kurog is not stopped, his entities of storm, fire, ice, and earth will wreak havoc across the whole of Azeroth.

Broodkeeper Diurna is the fierce Guardian of the Primalist Clutchwarren. She devotes her considerable strength to protect the unhatched and seeks vengeance for the one she lost.

Raszageth devoutly believes that dragonkind was meant to be as wild and free as the storm itself. Should she succeed at freeing her fellow incarnates from their ancient prison, Raszageth and her kin will topple the aspects and scour the world clean of every trace of the Titans’ influence.
New Achievements
All Difficulties
- Vault of the Incarnates: Defeat the following bosses on any difficulty—Eranog; The Primal Council; Dathea, Ascended; Terros; Sennarth, The Cold Breath; Kurog Grimtotem; Broodkeeper Diurna; and Raszageth the Storm-Eater.
Normal Difficulty and Higher
- What Frozen Things Do: Defeat Eranog after finding a Frozen Portal Stone and defeating a Burning Behemoth.
- Little Friends: Defeat Terros after hitting the three Dormant Earth nodes in his chamber with Awakened Earth and then defeating the resultant Energized Earth creatures.
- The Lunker Below: Use fishing to lure the Lurking Lunker living in the lava out, then engage and defeat the Primal Council.
- I Was Saving That For Later: Defeat Sennarth, the Cold Breath after finding and freeing 5 mysterious captives using Caustic Eruption, then witnessing their demise.
- Nothing But Air: Defeat Dathea, Ascended after collecting 8 Condensed Gales.
- The Power is MINE!: Defeat Kurog Grimtotem after destroying the Primal Avatar.
- Incubation Extermination: Defeat Broodkeeper Diurna after successfully hatching and defeating lieutenants from each Primal element’s eggs within 10 seconds of each other.
- The Ol Raszle Daszle: Defeat Raszageth the Storm-Eater after successfully gathering two Concentrated Storm Essences and defeating the Concentrated Storm.
Vault of the Incarnates Meta-Achievement
- Glory of the Vault Raider: Complete the Vault of the Incarnates raid achievements listed—What Frozen Things Do, Little Friends, The Lunker Below, I Was Saving That For Later, Nothing But Air, The Power is MINE!, Incubation Extermination, and The Ol Raszle Daszle.
Mount Reward: Raging Magmammoth
Heroic Difficulty and Higher
- Ahead of the Curve: Raszageth the Storm-Eater—Defeat Raszageth the Storm-Eater in Vault of the Incarnates on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
- Cutting Edge: Raszageth the Storm-Eater—Defeat Raszageth the Storm-Eater in Vault of the Incarnates on Mythic difficulty before the release of the next raid tier.
Mythic Difficulty
Title Reward: The Storm-Eater
- Mythic: Eranog—Defeat Eranong in the Vault of the Incarnates on Mythic difficulty.
- Mythic: Terros—Defeat Terros in the Vault of the Incarnates on Mythic difficulty.
- Mythic: The Primal Council—Defeat The Primal Council in the Vault of the Incarnates on Mythic difficulty.
- Mythic: Sennarth, the Cold Breath—Defeat Sennarth, the Cold Breath in the Vault of the Incarnates on Mythic difficulty.
- Mythic: Dathea, Ascended—Defeat Dathea, Ascended in the Vault of the Incarnates on Mythic difficulty.
- Mythic: Kurog BloodtotemDefeat Kurog Grimtotem in the Vault of the Incarnates on Mythic difficulty.
- Mythic: Broodkeeper Diurna—Defeat Broodkeeper Diurna in the Vault of the Incarnates on Mythic difficulty.
- Mythic: Raszageth the Storm-Eater—Defeat Raszageth the Storm-Eater in the Vault of the Incarnates on Mythic difficulty.
Dragonflight Season 1 goes live the week of December 12 and brings a new raid, an updated rotation of challenging Mythic+ dungeons, and a new PvP Season. This season will also feature familiar exclusive rewards such as the Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge achievements for raids, Keystone Master achievements, rewards for Mythic+, and Gladiator rewards for PvP.
Read on for more details, and prepare to take on all new challenges.
New Raid
Vault of the Incarnates
The Primalists breached the Titan prison used to hold the Incarnates for millennia. Within, Raszageth performs a foul ritual to unleash her siblings so together they can purge the world of the Titans’ influence. The champions of Azeroth must assault this impregnable fortress and break their defenses to end this threat. While many could fall, defeat condemns all the realms to the Incarnates’ reign of fire and blood.

Raid Unlock Schedule:
- Week of December 12: Normal, Heroic, and Mythic Vault of the Incarnates will open with the weekly maintenance for each region
- Week of December 19: Vault of the Incarnates Raid Finder Wing 1 opens
- Week of January 2: Vault of the Incarnates Raid Finder Wing 2 opens
- Week of January 16: Vault of the Incarnates Raid Finder Wing 3 opens
Vault of the Incarnates is the first raid players will experience in Dragonflight, featuring eight all-new boss encounters. [Learn More]
Cross-Faction Mythic, Cross-Realm, and Hall of Fame Eligibility
Cross-faction Mythic Vault of the Incarnates will be available from the start. Hall of Fame entries will require at least 16 out of 20 raiders from the same guild and faction to be eligible for rewards. Cross-realm will unlock later in the season.
Four New World Bosses
Four new World Bosses are raging through the Dragon Isles and will be on a weekly rotation starting with Basrikron, The Shale Wing.
New Dungeon Rotation

Dragonflight Season 1 will feature a new dungeon rotation for Mythic+. Four dungeons from Dragonflight are included, and four returning dungeons from previous expansions. Here’s the full lineup:
- Ruby Life Pools
- The Nokhud Offensive
- The Azure Vault
- Algeth’ar Academy
- Halls of Valor (from the Legion™ expansion)
- Court of Stars (from the Legion™ expansion)
- Shadowmoon Burial Grounds (from the Warlords of Draenor™ expansion)
- Temple of the Jade Serpent (from the Mists of Pandaria™ expansion)
Mythic+ and PvP Season 1 will also begin the week of December 12 with regional maintenance. For Dragonflight, the item level of rewards from completing Mythic+ runs will not be capped on the first week, as Mythic Vault of the Incarnates will open simultaneously.
The Inspiration Catalyst used to turn non-set pieces of the appropriate slot into a new set piece of the same item level will be available later in Season 1.
New Seasonal Affix: Thundering
Enemies have 5% more health. While in combat, players are periodically overcharged with primal power from Raszageth’s unending storm. This power comes with great risk, and failure to discharge it quickly can have stunning consequences.
Mythic+ Rewards
The following rewards can be obtained by completing Mythic Keystone Dungeons in Season 1:
- Dragonflight Keystone Conqueror: Season 1 – Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 1500 during Dragonflight Season 1.
- Reward: “The Thundering” title
- Dragonflight Keystone Master: Season 1 – Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 2000 during Dragonflight Season 1.
- Reward: Mount: Hailstorm Armoredon
- Dungeon Teleports
- Earned for each dungeon by completing a +20 or higher in that dungeon.
- Title awarded to players in the top 0.1% of Mythic+ rating in each region at the end of the season.
- Reward: “The Thundering Hero” title
New PvP Season
A new PvP Season will also kick off, allowing heroes all over Azeroth a chance to obtain glory in the Arenas and Battlegrounds. The new item level caps for Honor and Conquest gear shake up as follows:
- Crafted PvP gear is Crimson Combatant and has a PvP item level of 398
- Honor PvP gear Crimson Aspirant and has a PvP item level of 411
- Conquest PvP gear is Crimson Gladiator and has a PvP item level of 424
- Title: Crimson Gladiator
- Mount: Crimson’s Gladiator’s Drake
- Dragonriding Appearance: Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Crimson Gladiator
- New Vicious mounts–Alliance and Horde-themed Sabertooth
- New Weapon Illusion
- New Pennant
- New Tabard and Cloak
The Weapon Illusion, Pennant, Tabard, and Cloak will be updated and added in a future content patch before the end of Season 1.