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Tom Chilton Interview 4 – Gamescom

Tom Chilton also got interviewed by Blizzplanet, here’s an overview of the information we had not heard yet from other interviews:

  • First all the garrison buildings were going effect your missions but as they were tested they wanted them to have more of an effect on you out in the world. So most buildings will have an impact on your gameplay in the world.
  • The next beta push (possibly the one being pushed on to the beta right now) will expand some of the garrison buildings functionality.
  • If you win the battle royale event from the gladiator’s sanctum building you’ll have access to some special armor outfits noone else has.
  • The story for Ashran and the faction hubs is that they are strategically placed, both the horde and alliance want to stop the Iron Horde but don’t have a permanent solution yet. So Ashran is the perfect location to keep an eye on the Dark Portal as the Iron Horde wants to rebuild it.
  • A Tabard system might be developed at the same time as the new transmog system. They will have to see.
  • It is unsure if Farahlon will fit within the content of this expansion.
  • One issue with Bladespire and Karabor as faction hubs was that they were so big that there wasn’t enough to fill them up (With things Garrisons don’t already have). Meaning you’d have to run big distances from one place to another (auctioneer to bank).

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