Add a zap of color to your Collection with additional color variations for the Stormrider’s Attire Transmog set and Squally pet when you pre-purchase the Heroic or Epic edition of World of Warcraft®: The War Within™.
Upgradable Stormrider’s Attire Transmog Set
With the The War Within pre-expansion content update launch, players who upgrade to the Heroic or Epic Edition of The War Within can accept the quest “The Stormrider’s Bond” from Kurdran Wildhammer in Valdrakken.
Completing this quest will reward three new Transmog armor sets in addition to the Stormrider’s Attire Transmog set.

After completing Kurden’s first quest, he’ll have another for you. Complete “A Sacred Connection” to receive upgraded versions of the Stormrider’s Attire sets.

Players who have not begun these quests during the pre-expansion update of The War Within can pick up a quest from Stormrider Bruelda in Dornogal upon launch.
In Search of Stray Siblings
Seek out Squally’s lost siblings to gain a group of fun-size gryphons as battle pets!
Players who upgrade to the Epic Editon of The War Within can summon Squally from their Collection and tackle the “Gryphons of a Feather” quest. Track down Squally’s three siblings, Flash, Gale, and Thundo, within the Dragon Isles to add them to your bevy of battle pets.