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Play With the Blues: Thursday August 21

Quote from: Blizzard
It’s time to play with Blues on the Beta realms! Help us put the Premade Groups feature through its paces by creating and joining lots of Dungeon and 3v3 Arena groups. During the playtest, you’ll have a chance to encounter members of the Warcraft Development Team like Watcher, Celestalon, and Holinka, in addition to QA, CS, and CM team members as we join you for a Dungeon run or Arena match.

What: Create Premade Groups, run Dungeons, and 3v3 Arena groups with Blizzard employees!
When: Thursday, August 21, 2014 from 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM PDT.
Where: Level 100 PvE and Level 100 PvP Beta realms
How you’ll know they’re a Blue: Blizzard employees will be in a guild called <Blizzard Alliance> or <Blizzard Horde> respectively for the duration of the event.

How to create a Premade Group:

  • For Dungeons, access the Group Finder pane (bound to I key by default.)
  • Select Premade Groups –> Dungeons –> Find a Group or Start a Group


  • For Arenas, access the Player vs. Player pane (bound to H key by default.)
  • Select Premade Groups –> Arenas –> Find a Group or Start a Group (3v3)

If you want to learn more about improvements to Group Finder in Warlords of Draenor; check out Premade Groups: Looking for Adventure.

For information on how to create a level-100 template character, submitting a bug report, or suggestion; check out Welcome to the Beta Test: PLEASE READ!

Good, wholesome fun for the whole family! We look forward to grouping with you. 🙂

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