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Pax East WoD Interviews

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Pax East was this weekend and although there were no official announcements regarding World of Warcraft, some fansites did get to interview a few devs over Warlords of Draenor!

First off, wowhead! You can find the full interview here. But here’s a recap of the most important new information:

  • Garrisons will be integrated into EVERY aspect of Warlords of Draenor
  • You’ll be getting crafting resources from garrisons
  • While adventuring in Draenor you might come across an npc like a quest giver or one in a dungeon that you can impress. If you do so you might get them as a follower in your garrison
  • Your followers will also have gear that you can improve
  • The Iron Horde will attack you Garrison and you’ll have to defend from the invasion!
  • When your followers fail a mission or get defeated by the iron horde their morale and efficiency will decrease until they successfully complete a mission.
  • We’re getting another page of void storage

WoW Insider also had an interview. Although most has been said some new things still came up in the interview here. It is worth mentioning though that in the context of sending your followers in your garrison to kill bosses the following was said:

  • If your team triumphs, they will return to you with loot, which can be either for them or for you. You’ll even be able to watch an animated scene of your followers’ battle.
  • The battles will be scored like challenge modes, with bronze, silver, or gold grades depending on how your followers performed. When you send them out, you can choose the loot you want them to find. A better grade gives them a higher percentage to retrieve the item(s) you wanted.

On the subject of transmog:

  • The Diablo 3 transmog system will not be implemented in WoW. They have “long-term plans” to improve the system.

Afterwards Ion Hazzikostas said on twitter that although nothing will happen in 6.0, they are working on an elegant system.