This morning’s hotfixes fix some bugs that were causing higher dps than intended and a prevented you from talking to certain npcs after cinematics played.
Blizzard also released 2 previews again, this time for the Dracthyr and their starting zone The Forbidden Reach.
November 9, 2022
- Hunter
- Beast Mastery, Marksmanship
- Fixed an issue where Wailing Arrow would cause Wild Spirits to deal damage for each target hit rather than once per Wailing Arrow cast.
- Marksmanship
- Fixed an issue where Wind Arrows were incorrectly causing Wild Spirits to deal damage.
- Beast Mastery, Marksmanship
- Shaman
- Enhancement
- Fixed an issue where Doom Winds was granting a higher-than-expected trigger rate of Windfury Weapon.
- Enhancement
- Fixed an issue where several quest NPCs were not able to be interacted with after a cutscene.
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- User Interface and Accessibility
- The commentator UI will no longer display the number players remaining.
Scale Up with the New Dracthyr Evoker
With the release of phase 2 of the pre-expansion patch, players with Dragonflight can create and play the new dracthyr Evoker, a hero class that serves as both a race and a class in combination.
Meet the Dracthyr Evoker
Created by Neltharion the Earth-Warder, the essence of dragons was combined with the adaptability of the mortal races to create an elite soldier capable of switching from a draconic form to humanoid form. Long in a magical stasis, they are now awakening to a new threat within the Dragon Isles. It is in the Forbidden Reach that the dracthyr Evoker will start their journey to reclaim their fractured memories and face a new reality.
Dracthyr Evoker Quick Facts:
- Class: Evoker
- Two Forms: Dracthyr and Visage
- Armor Type: Mail
- Weapon Types: Intellect Daggers, Fist Weapons, Axes, Maces, Swords, Staves
- Specializations: Devastation (DPS) and Preservation (Healing)
- Alignment: Horde or Alliance (chosen at character creation)
- Starting Level: 58
Creating Your Dracthyr Evoker
Dracthyr Evokers are a new hero class and begin their adventures at level 58. Creating your first dracthyr Evoker has no restrictions other than requiring the new Dragonflight expansion. For subsequent dracthyr Evokers, you are only able to have one per realm, and can only be created once there is a level 50 (non-dracthyr) character on the realm you wish to create it on.
You will also choose your faction on character creation along with all the various elements that make your dracthyr uniquely— you. There are a multitude of options and combinations you can choose from.
Express Your Inner Dracthyr
The new dracthyr race provides a variety of features to customize your character including bold horn options, a diverse palette of colors to choose from, and more. Choose from a variety of options including horns, scales, snouts, eyes, and more. You’ll also have several body options available to choose from.
Embrace your individuality with a range of expressive colors.
Wear your armor with pride as you blaze a new path through the Dragon Isles.
Choose Your Form
As a part of the creation process, you’ll also be able to customize your dragon form to match closely with your humanoid visage.
Set aside some time. You’ll be in character creation for a while as you ponder the plethora of options that await when creating both of your dracthyr Evoker forms. Don’t worry if you change your mind. You’ll be able to visit any Barber Shop to update your look.
The Color of Magic
Dracthyr Evokers were created to wield the magic of all five dragonflights providing a very distinctive style of spell casting. You will be able to see the coalescence of these powers each time you cast. Evokers also have two distinctive specializations which take advantage of these magic types: Devastation and Preservation.
Devastation is a ranged DPS specialization that uses the power of the red and blue dragonflights to do devastating damage to their foes.
Blue Spells: Focused and overwhelming power
Red Spells: Fast explosive power
Preservation is a healing specialization that uses the power of the green and bronze dragonflights to heal their allies in battle.
Green Spells: Nurture and heal
Bronze Magic: Bend and manipulate time
Each ability associated with a dragonflight will have the name listed both in the spellbook and in the tooltip.
Becoming Empowered
Dracthyr Evokers have special Empowered abilities that they can use to change the strength of the spell or ability they are casting. By holding down a button on your keyboard or mouse, you will power up a spell. The longer you charge the spell, the more damage it could do or the more targets the spell could hit.
For example, one Empowered spell first learned is called Fire Breath. Fire Breath can be powered up as a Level I – IV spell. An indicator bar will appear when casting to display the level of the spell that will be cast. Releasing the button or moving before completing a cast will stop the spell from going off provided it hasn’t reached one of those levels. Releasing the spell when the indicator is within the range of the level indicated will cast at that level.
At each level, the amount of damage done when using Fire Breath is increased. Not all Empowered abilities are alike, and over time, you will learn how to make the most of them.
Embracing your Draconic Nature
Dracthyr Evokers have two racial abilities that truly embrace the nature of this race: Wing Buffet and Tail Sweep.
Wing Buffet: With a powerful flap of your wings, knock away your enemies in front of you.
Tail Sweep: Lash out with your tail, knocking enemies within 6 yards into the air.
You will also learn to Glide which you can activate by using the jump key while falling to slow your descent.
Better than simply gliding slowly to the ground beneath you, you will also learn how to Soar for a time to move around the land. To get the most lift to your loft and go the distance, you’ll want to hone your timing and start from a higher elevation such as the edge of a cliff.
Soar: Muster your strength and launch into the air.
There are several other base abilities that will enhance your time spent as an elite dracthyr Evoker including the Living Flame spell which you can use to either damage enemies or heal yourself.
Living Flame (Red): Send a flickering flame toward your target, dealing Fire damage to an enemy or healing an ally.
In Essence
Select spells and abilities require a resource known as Essence. This is displayed under your character portrait as five small opalescent globes and will automatically refill over time. One such spell that uses Essence is Disintegrate, which is the first spell you will learn as you progress through the starting area for the dracthyr Evoker.
Disintegrate (Blue): Tear into the enemy with a blast of blue magic, inflicting Spellfrost damage, and slowing their movement speed.
Scale up to a whole new adventure, and we’ll see you in the Forbidden Reach!
Dragonflight: Awaken in the Forbidden Reach

Awaken as a dracthyr Evoker in the Forbidden Reach and dive into the mysteries of the past as enemies and potential allies, new and old, are drawn to this place of ancient power.
The Forbidden Reach, once the secret training grounds of the black dragonflight, has descended into a broken and deserted landscape, lost to the ravages of time. Those few dragons who remember the island know that it is taboo to visit, a place where something dreadful fell. Those who have braved the shores found little of consequence in this cauldron-like caldera apart from a shattered landscape and nature-claimed ruins half buried by magma.
No Longer Forgotten
Neltharion the Earth-Warder fashioned these lands as a secret training ground for the ultimate soldiers, the dracthyr. But in the aftermath of a terrible battle, the island lay dormant and abandoned for ages.
Time To Wake
Deep beneath the surface, vast underground chambers contain legions of dracthyr, resting in magical stasis for thousands of years. As an ancient, magical surge ripples through the Forbidden Reach, the dracthyr are waking from their long slumber.
In this place of ancient power, dracthyr Evokers will begin a journey that will lead them further into the mysteries of their past.
Inhabitants of the Forbidden Reach
Over the ages, the Forbidden Reach has been reclaimed by nature and wildlife who have made this land their home. Here are some that you’ll meet on your journey.
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See you in the Dragon Isles!