In the last couple of days Blizzard has come out with previews of the hero’s per game that they originate from. Although there wasn’t really information about abilities it’s always nice to get a more direct overview about which hero’s we’re dealing with and from which universe. So check out the previews below!
Are you eager to wield the might of the fabled Sword of Justice, El’druin? Or perhaps you crave the feel of sowing fear into the hearts of your enemies as the Lord of Terror? Whether you wish to wield a sword, crossbow, mojo, or your bare claws, some of Sanctuary’s finest will be available to take the fight to all who would oppose you in the Nexus!
Which Diablo Hero are you most excited about? Which others would you like to see? Let us know in the comments below!
Do you fancy yourself the sharpest shooter this side of Korhal? Or do you covet the opportunity to improve the genetics of not only the Zerg swarm, but your allies as well? Well, there’s always room for one more at Joeyray’s Bar, so take a load off and find out which of your favorite Terran, Protoss, and Zerg Heroes will be at the ready to fight for you—or against you—in the Nexus!
Have you ever dreamt of what it would be like to unleash the full might of Frostmourne onto your enemies? Or do you yearn to harness the power of rock to stun and awe all that would oppose your musical mastery? Whether you choose to toy with fel fire or the follow the path of the Lightbringer, now is the time to explore Azeroth’s rich history and discover which familiar faces will be at the ready to join your quest for dominance in the Nexus!
Which Warcraft Heroes are you eager to take out into battle? Which other Warcraft Heroes would you like to see? Let us know in the comments section below!!