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Normal Thok the Bloodthirsty Guide

Hey guys I’m mezzy and this is the guide for Thok the Bloodthirsty. The 11th encounter in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid. This is a 2 phase encounter and it alternates between the two phases. Each time you go back into phase 1 there will be 2 mechanics that act differently. You switch to phase 2 when 5 players are under 50% health and within 10 yards of each other.

I’ll first explain phase 2. In phase 2 Thok will fixate on a random raid member and go after them. This person needs to kite Thok away from the rest of the group. As we do in our kill we kite him between two points through the center of the room so that we maximise Thok’s travel time. Thok is affected by Blood Frenzy and will kill anyone infront of him, so do not get close to his front. Every 8 or so seconds he will fixate on someone else. He will also become faster the longer you are in phase 2.

When you go into phase 2 a jailer spawns which has to be killed. The only mechanic you need to worry about is the enrage he has which needs to be dispelled. When the jailer dies he can be looted for a key. This key can be used to open a cage for a friendly npc who Thok will then eat and get powers from. You should first release Akolik the Saurok, then Gorai the Jinyu and lastly Montak the Yaungol. After Thok eats an npc you go back into phase 1.

So let’s go on to the phase 1.

The raid should stack up on THok’s side as both his tail and his front hurt. His frontal attack is called Fearsome Roar which deals 330k damage and increases damage taken by 25%. This requires a tank switch.

Shock blast is his 2nd ability, which does 110k damage to random players. Both fearsome roar and shock blast will be effected by whoever he eats.

Thok regularly uses Deafening Screech which does 330k damage to everyone and interrupts spellcasting. This will be cast more quickly after every deafening screech. Due to the stacking up you will automatically go into phase 2 when 5 players are under 50% as it isn’t healable anymore for your healers.

The following changes will happen depending on which npc he eats:
When he eats Akolik fearsome roar becomes acid breath which still does a frontal cone but does 600k nature damage and the debuff reduces your armor by 20%. Tankswitch at 1 to 2 stacks for this debuff. Shockblast becomes Corrosive Blood, which deals 44k damage and gives the player a dispellable dot.

When he eats gorai, the roar becomes a freezing breath and shockblast becomes icy blood. Both do damage and give the player a stack of frozen. When a player gets 5 stacks of frozen they will become an ice cube that needs to be killed or they will die.

When he eats montak the roar becomes a scorching breath which deals damage and gives a stacking debuff. Although we did not get to the tankswitch in this phase I would suggest switching at 1 to 2 stacks, depending on how well the raid can handle it.
shock blast becomes burning blood, dealing damage and leaving a fire patch underneatht he player. Only in this phase one should you spread out to not have the firepatches stack underneath everyone.

This fight is an increase in difficulty compared to the other fights you’ve done so far so good luck and expect to take some time on this fight.

If you liked this guide please comment and subscribe. If you want to watch the entire fight, feel free to watch the rest of this video. I’m Mezzy and I’ll see you again next time.

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