The Waking Shores are the beginning of your adventures as you take your first steps into the Dragon Isles. Help your allies push back against enemies, new and old, who are bent on controlling this ancient place of elemental power.
The dragonflights left their homeland and the Waking Shores remained dormant for ten thousand years. With Azeroth’s world-soul revitalized, the awesome primal might of the Shores stirs anew, rousing the dragons’ ancient allies and age-old enemies from their long millennia of slumber.
This land is stirring with the reawakening of elemental energies. Long ago, the elements were present in their most primal, unfettered form; however, the resurgence of magic in the Dragon Isles has caused that energy to reawaken.
Geysers and hot springs are commonplace, and powerful streams and rivers carve grottoes into the colorful rocks and sediment. Waterways feed into the land’s heart and the Life Pools of the red dragonflight.
While millennia ago this area was populated with dragon architecture like the rest of the Broodlands, most of those structures have long since fallen into decay and become overgrown.
Volcanic areas are alive with molten earth and fire. As the elevation rises, the land becomes harsher. In these imposing mountains, Neltharus, the Obsidian Citadel was built by the black dragonflight so that the Earth-Warder could defend the Broodlands. Abandoned long ago, the imposing fortress has now been claimed by the djaradin.
Adventure Lies Ahead in the Dungeons of the Waking Shores
Whether you’re looking for loot, a new challenge, or to learn more about this ancient land, you’ll need to gather your courage— and your allies— for the trials ahead.
Ruby Life Pools
As the ancestral nesting grounds for the five flights, the Ruby Life Pools is a sacred place. The Red Dragonflight, whose charge it is to nurture all life, protect these pools and the future of all dragonkind held within them.
However, Raszageth and her Primalists have come to steal that future away and infuse their own powers into the sacred pools. They must be stopped for dragonkind to thrive.
- Melidrussa Chillworn: Melidrussa Chillworn leads the Primalist infusion efforts in the Ruby Life Pools. Her fervent belief is that she is protecting young dragon eggs from the influence of the titans and cleansing them from the stain of Order magic. She will stop at nothing to fulfill her calling and return the eggs to what she believes is their natural state.
- Kokia Blazehoof: As Primalist forces assault the Ruby Life Pools from all sides, it falls to Kokia and her Blazebound lieutenants to capture precious eggs from overwhelmed defenders, spreading flame and havoc as they go.
- Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein: Kyrakka and Erkhart roam the skies above the Ruby Life Pools coordinating attacks on the shrine below while also taking out any interfering dragons. If left unchecked, they burn the Life Pools to the ground and blow the remaining ash away in a cleansing elemental storm.
Beneath the Obsidian Citadel lies Neltharus, home of the black dragonflight’s hoard and the secrets behind their legendary forging. When the djaradin woke from their slumber, they chose Neltharus as the point of entry for their attack. Surprised to find it deserted, they quickly laid claim to its secrets for themselves… as well as the rest of the Obsidian Citadel.
- Chargath, Bane of Scales: This veteran dragon hunter’s title was given eons as a mark of legend. While the Qalashi hunters under his command train, he plans their next offensive and awaits with eager anticipation the opportunity to display his expertise.
- Forgemaster Gorek: As one of the djaradin’s most distinguished craftsmen, the Forgemaster Gorek now resides in his sweltering chamber of the black dragon barracks. There, he harnesses the igneous power of the massive forge to construct deadly weaponry.
- Magmatusk: The djaradin discovered many of Neltharion’s secrets while plundering Neltharus. An experimental potion gone awry created Magmatusk, a behemoth of a mammoth bent on sheer destruction.
- Warlord Sargha: Leader of the Qalash djaradin, Warlord Sargha has been in search of anything that would increase the power of her clan and help take down their draconic enemies. In the hoard at the heart of Neltharus, she may have found exactly what the djaradin need.
Inhabitants of the Waking Shores
Elemental magic manifests everywhere, with earth, air, water, and fire taking physical form. New types of elemental beings are rising, as well as animalistic creatures infused with this magic. Here are some that you will happen upon in your travels:
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See you in the Dragon Isles!

On your continuing adventures through Dragonflight and the Dragon Isles, you’ll step foot into the Ohn’ahran Plains.
Named after the Wild God of the Wind, Ohn’ahra, it’s a viridescent grassland that rise gently upward from the Waking Shores, with mellow hills and steppes worn smooth by wind and river. This region boasts prominent and dramatic elevations that become more mountainous, and geysers are alive with erupting columns of boiling steam.
Once home to the green dragonflight, nature thrives in the Ohn’ahran Plains. Magnificent, lush greenery abounds, and calm waters flow through the Emerald Gardens, an area alive with natural wonder drawn from the magic of the Emerald Dream.
The endlessly open plains are abundant with life, and the landscape is dotted with singing stones.
Adventure Lies Ahead in the Dungeons of the Ohn’ahran Plains
The Nokhud Offensive
After Clan Nokhud captured the ancient eagle spirit, Ohn’ahra, civil war spread across the Ohn’ahran plains like wildfire. To the other clans, Ohn’ahra is more than a mere spirit: she is their goddess. Primalists summon elemental forces, and necromancers command the spirits of legendary centaur. Beset by enemies, the other Maruuk clans rally. The Nokhud tyrant, Balakar Khan, watches from afar, bellowing commands. Relentless enemy offenses will continue until his forces submit. The battlefield awaits.
- Granyth: Granyth casts his shadow over the plains of Ohn’ahra appearing as an omen of death and destruction. As battles between centaur clans rage across the plains, he knows it is time to destroy his ancient enemies once and for all. Soon he will land on the battlefield. Clan Shikaar’s ballistae will be ready.
- The Raging Tempest: Violent storm winds that ravage the plains of Ohn’ahra have coalesced into an avatar of the storm. The Raging Tempest continues to gather power to devastate not only the plains of Ohn’ahra, but eventually the entirety of the Dragon Isles. Unless champions can defeat the stormcasters and dispel their relentless elemental, Primalist chaos will reign on the plains.
- Teera and Maruuk: Ukhel necromancers are resurrecting legendary centaur. The spirits of the first matriarch, Teera, and the centaur’s greatest warrior, Maruuk have risen from their graves. Once their furty has abated, perhaps they can find rest again…and eternal peace.
- Balakar Khan: Balakar Khan is the ruthless and mighty leader of the Nokhud clan. His stormcasters have captured the great eagle spirit Ohn’ahra, and he wants to seize the Windmother’s power. Hatred unites his clan against all “outsiders.” As the relentless offensive continues, someone must stand up to this tyrant.
Ohn’ahran’s Denizens and Wildlife
Vast plateaus and mesas are home to the growing clans of centaurs, each a unique culture unto itself and masters of different specialties. The centaur clans are deeply connected to the land, maintaining their traditions, and those seeking to assist can earn their trust.
This region is teeming with life. High grasses surround watering holes that draw in large wildlife that provide ample prey for the hungry proto-dragons soaring through the skies. Here are some of the creatures you’ll happen upon in your travels.

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See you in the Dragon Isles!