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Category: Warcraft

Recap Warcraft News Jan 13th – 19th

As we’re still working on the website we haven’t been able to get out articles as new news comes out so here’s a recap of the last week’s Warcraft related news!

Greg Street(Ghostcrawler)’s new job!

We found out on monday what new opportunity ghostcrawler left blizzard for. He’s now a lead game designer at Riot Games, the folks who developed League of Legends.

Targeted SoO raid nerfs

Next up, starting the upcoming raid reset, some targeted nerfs will effect the Siege of Orgrimmar raid.

Quote from: Blizzard


We will be reducing the health of the Kor’kron troops in 10-player Normal and Flexible difficulty, because smaller raid groups have fewer tools to deal with the various enemies, and are further impacted when a portion of the raid must break off to deal with towers. No changes to Heroic difficulty at this time.

Thok the Bloodthirsty

We will reduce Thok’s unavoidable Fearsome Roar and Shock Blast damage in 10-player Normal, Heroic, and Flexible mode – again, smaller raid groups have fewer raid cooldowns to handle the increasing damage as Acceleration ramps, and we’re seeing 10-player groups and smaller Flex groups having much more difficulty with this encounter than their 25-player counterparts.

Siegecrafter Blackfuse

This encounter’s Heroic mode is a huge step up in difficulty from the preceding 11 bosses. We’re looking to smooth out that spike somewhat, while still keeping the fight quite challenging. The following changes apply only to Heroic difficulty: We are reducing the unavoidable raidwide damage inflicted by Magnetic Crush and Shredders’ Overload, as well as the damage from Superheated (to make belt groups’ lives a bit less painful when an Overcharged Laser is active). We’re also reducing Disassembled Turret health. Finally, on 10-player Heroic only, we’re reducing the health of Crawler Mines, since 10-player raids have fewer available tools to keep them controlled.

Paragons of the Klaxxi

Moving on to Heroic Paragons, we’d like them to continue a steady increase in difficulty that culminates with Garrosh. They’re already pretty close to that, so we’re just making a couple of tweaks here, reducing the damage of Multi-Shot and Fiery Edge on Heroic difficulty. This should keep most of the coordination difficulty of the fight, but reduce some frustrating deaths due to burst damage interactions between different abilities.

Warlords of Draenor Scouting Report

Furthermore blizzard came out with a Warlords of Draenor Scouting report indicating a few things.

  • If you want to opt in for the beta, now is the time to do so
  • Digital versions of Warlords of Draenor will be available for pre-purchase soon(tm)
  • Players will get an instant lvl 90 character at the moment they buy Warlords of Draenor
  • Blizzard will be testing out buying extra instant lvl 90 characters on the PTR
  • Players who buy the Digital Deluxe edition will instantly get the exclusive pet and mount

A new beast takes to the skies!

The Iron Skyreaver mount was put on the ingame blizzard store this week. Blizzard put together a nice little video showing off the new mount.

Mythic Dungeons and how they’d fit in the current system

Hey guys Mezzy here!

So a couple of weeks back on WoW Weekly we talked about the posibility of Mythic Dungeons and I tried to shortly explain how I would like to see the nonraid pve instanced content be set up next expansion. It became quite obvious from LJ’s and Viv’s reactions that quickly explaining it within a few minutes wasn’t going to work. So as I said I’d do a Mezzy Talks episode on it, and here we are. You can watch the video version or read the blog down below.

So first the background again. It started on the mmo-champion forums where someone posted a post about adding mythic dungeons to the types of 5man dungeons you can do. These would be for those who like challenging 5man content like in TBC and the start of cata but don’t like the time trial hasty challenge modes.

A few days later someone reposted the idea on the official WoW EU forums and surprisingly it actually got a response from a customer support blue poster called Taepsilum. The surprising thing about it that he was actually quite sympathetic about it. That they understand not everyone likes the time trial challenge modes but still want challenging 5man dungeon content and they do intend making heroics harder next expansion but not as hard as  the TBC and some of the start of cataclysm ones. He also asked for everyone to give feedback on how they would like challenge modes to see changed in Warlords. So naturally I responded to it as you’ll know if you watch WoW Weekly, it’s something I’m quite passionate about and I like to think game design wise how I’d want to add or change something.
So first of all, I do think they should add mythic mode dungeons. And here’s how they should be designed. Have Mythic dungeons be:

  • The hardest 5man content, parallel with challenge modes, each giving a different type of gameplay.
  • Mythic dungeons should be in line of the hardest dungeons in TBC, requiring teamwork, strategizing, CC and all that good stuff to complete succesfully.
  • These, just like challenge modes, need premade groups.
  • Mythic dungeons should give actual gear that progresses your character, which is on a lower ilvl than raiding gear, but still an upgrade over heroic 5man gear to be useful.
  • They should have mechanics that won’t be as easy even if you do have raid gear.

Welcome to our new home!

Welcome to the new website of the WoW Weekly podcast! We hope to grow this site to not just a website for the podcast and guides but as a full fledged Warcraft fansite and community. To start off with here’s the newest WoW Weekly episode, number 17!