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Category: Warcraft

Normal/Heroic Iron Reaver Raiding Guide

Iron ReaverHey guys I’m Mezzy from WoW Weekly and today we’ll be taking a look at the Iron Reaver in Heroic Hellfire Citadel. These tactics also apply to the normal version.

This is a 2 phase encounter in which the phrase don’t stand in the fire couldn’t be more appropriate. In the ground phase you’ll be able to attack the Iron Reaver but in the air phase the Iron Reaver will take 95% reduced damage. So your time will be better spent dealing with the encounter’s mechanics.

In both phases you’ll have to deal with patches of fire, which will give you the stacking dot Immolation. So don’t stand in the fire.

In the ground phase the first ability you’ll deal with is Artillery. This is cast on the tank and will require a tank swap. The tank will be targeted by the Reaver and will be shot at. The further away the tank is from the rest of the group, the less damage the impact damage will do to the entire raid. So when you get targeted, tankswap and run away from the rest of the group.

Do note that you don’t have to run endlessly, because you will need to get back as soon as possible because the other tank will have already been targeted by Artillery so you will need to taunt as quickly as possible.

The next ability is Unstable Orb. The reaver will target a random player and shoot an orb at them. It will deal damage and leave a stacking dot to anyone within 8 yards. This means that you’ll need to keep spread out at least 8 yards. The spreading is needed anyway, so healers be aware.

You will also have to deal with the potentially lethal ability called Barrage. The boss will target a player, power up his gun. In his animation you’ll see his clear intent to use the gun, once he fires it it will hit anyone anyone in the way he’s facing. This damage is really high and potentially lethal. When I say the way he’s facing, I mean he will shoot the barrage of fire in the direction of where his elbow is facing, and not the gun that’s powering up.

You really need to pay attention to the animation, because there’s another ability that has an animation as well, which is Blitz. With this he will also target a player, face their direction and then charge at them. Anyone who gets hit by him will be dragged along by the Reaver and be brought back to his original location. The boss will cast Blitz twice in a row. The animation to watch for is he’ll put one leg and an elbow infront of the others. Naturally you’ll want to get out of the way before he charges towards you. This ability will also push the fire away when he charges through it.

His final ability is pounding. With which he’ll do AoE damage to everyone in the raid. This ability could be a pain to deal with because of your being spread for all of the other abilities. This will be used 3 times per ground phase, so be sure to use healing cooldowns for this. Pounding will also knock back the fire on the ground so it might just come flying your way if you’re positioned behind fire.

To deal with the fire in phase 1 we’ve gone through a couple of iterations on the positioning of the raid. And even as I describe it now, it’s slightly different than you see in the video. As you can see there are markers along the room on both sides of the boss.

The entire group starts on one side of the boss near one of the markers. You’ll of course need to spread out 8 yards. You will get a couple of barrages and once there is too much fire on that side move over to the next marker. In the video you’ll see that we move from one side of the boss to the other. In the end that felt too messy so what we will do next time is stay on the same side but move to the next clear marker on the right.

By moving as a group you’ll be able to have more control over the fire and thus the potential damage your raid will take.

After a set amount of time the Reaver will reach 100 energy and go into the air phase.

In the air phase the Reaver will target 3 players with the same Artillery ability as tanks have to deal with in the ground phase. Just like the tanks, the 3 players need to move away from the rest of the raid.

The Iron Reaver will throw fuel onto the battlefield which slows you by 40%. You will want to get away from the fuel as quickly as you can because it will be set on fire after a few seconds. After it’s been set on fire the Reaver will throw multiple Firebombs into the field. These need to be killed because if they’re not killed in time they will detonate dealing a large amount of damage to the raid.

With the positioning at the end of phase 1 you will all be in the same part of the room. Split your raid up into groups for phase 2 so that you can assign them to parts of the room and have the whole room covered to deal with bombs.

When the Reaver goes back into the Ground phase he will target a player and land on their location. He does that rather unceremoniously with Falling Slam. There will be a big circle around that player and everyone needs to get out of the circle. After 6 seconds anyone still standing in the slam will find themselves a dead pancake.

The main thing to keep in mind for this encounter are to stay spread, use healing cooldowns for pounding, get away from the directions he targets with both of his animations and get away from the raid when he targets you with Artillery. In phase 2 kill off the bombs and get out of the oil.

If you liked this raiding guide please comment, subscribe and click on the like button to help us out. If you would like to keep up with when new videos come out, but you don’t have a youtube account, you can also follow us on twitter and facebook at twitter.com/bbmezzy or facebook.com/wowweekly. Also be sure to check out our written content on our website wowweekly.net. For now I’m Mezzy and I’ll see you again next time.

Normal/Heroic Hellfire Assault Raiding Guide

AssaultHey guys I’m Mezzy from WoW Weekly and today we’ll be taking a look at Hellfire Assault in Heroic Hellfire Citadel. These tactics also apply to the normal version.

This encounter is pretty much a pure add encounter with a mini boss at the start. Once she drops to 50% she’ll leave the encounter leaving just the adds to deal with. The goal of this encounter is to use the two big Hellfire Cannons in the back of the room to blow down the door into the citadel.

The adds can be categorized into two sorts: The orcs and the siege weapons. The siege weapons will attack your Hellfire Canons and can destroy them. When you kill a siege weapon it will drop ammo you can pick up and bring to the Hellfire Canons to deal damage to the gate. The ammo will deal a small amount of damage to you every second, but will also increase your movement speed by 100% for 9 seconds. So you’ll be able to quickly move to and from the cannon.

While the siege weapons are important, not all of them are an immediate threat. There are a few orcs that are a lot more of a danger to you. So let’s go ahead and take a look at each of the orcs first.

First off there’s the mini-boss Siegemaster Mar’tak. Her first ability Howling Axe will target random players. When her axe hits them it will deal to anyone within 8 yards, requiring a slight spread. Her second ability is Shockwave. She will mark the ground with brown circles and send a shockwave that way dealing damage. Simply move away from the marked ground to deal with this. Her final ability is Inspiring Presence which is an aura increasing the damage done over time by adds near her. It’s because of this ability you’ll want to get rid of the Siegemaster as quickly as possible.

The next orc you’ll want to watch out for is the Gorebound Felcaster. The Felcaster casts both incinerate and Felfire Volley, and both can and should be interrupted. When he gets low on health the Felcaster will cast metamorphosis and become a Gorebound Terror. They constantly spam Felfire Volley which now does an increased amount of damage. You’ll want to focus these down and use healing cooldowns as needed.

The Hulking Berserkers will be the adds that will hurt your tanks. They cast Slam dealing physical damage and increasing damage taken by physical attacks by 30%, which stacks. When there are no terrors up, this should definitely be the priority of your dps. If there aren’t 2 berserkers up you can of course have the other tank taunt to reset the stacks on the tank. The berserkers also have Cower, which will decrease your movement speed and deal a small amount of physical damage to anyone standing near the berserker.

You will also encounter the Iron Dragoons which are just cannon fodder. Have your tank pick these up and just cleave these down as you’re dealing with the other adds.
The final non-siege adds you’ll have to deal with are the Contracted Engineers. These will work a lot like the engineers from the Blast Furnace encounter. First off they can repair the siege adds and should be interrupted when they do. Their second ability is Conducted Shock Pulse, which is basicly a chain lightning that stuns. While the stun can be dispelled, you’re better off having a slight spread to reduce the chance of this jumping to more players. Their final ability is Boom. With this they will throw out bombs. Simply move away from these.

There are 4 siege weapons: The Felfire Crusher, the Felfire Flamebelcher, the Felfire Artillery and the Felfire Demolisher. When the Crusher and Artillery spawn you need to get rid of them right away. They will both deal a lot of damage quickly to the Hellfire Canons. If they succeed in killing the Cannons it’ll be game over.

The Crusher will deal damage to anyone standing near it. If you’re infront of it you’ll quickly find death as it deals damage every half a second to anyone, as well as the Hellfire Canon, infront of it. If you get close to it from the sides it will breathe fire at you.

The Artillery will simply shoot at the Hellfire Canon, dealing a chunk of damage to anyone within 40 yards.

The Flamebelcher will shoot out fire in every direction. The fireballs that spawn will need to be dodged. Should you get hit you’ll take damage for about a third of your health bar.

The Demolisher will shoot mortars at an area and dealing a moderate amount of damage to anyone in that direction. After it shoots the mortars it will shoot a second mortar at the targeted area. This will deal a large amount of fire damage to anyone in that area. The damage to the entire raid will decrease, the further away you are from the point of impact.

As with all add fights there’s plenty to deal with. Prioritize the Felfire Crusher, Felfire Artillery, the Gorebound Brutes and Gorebound Terrors. Have a slight spread to deal with various abilities. Use healing cooldowns as needed for the Terrors and Brutes. Don’t forget to interrupt repair. And then finally don’t be afraid to bring the siege ammo to the cannon as you’ll be back in the fight quickly.

If you liked this raiding guide please comment, subscribe and click on the like button to help us out. If you would like to keep up with when new videos come out, but you don’t have a youtube account, you can also follow us on twitter and facebook at twitter.com/bbmezzy or facebook.com/wowweekly. Also be sure to check out our written content on our website wowweekly.net. For now I’m Mezzy and I’ll see you again next time.

Timewalking Highlight: Mana-Tombs, Release the Names! Character Name Reclamation Coming, The Road Ahead: Legendary Ring Questline

Timewalking Highlight: Mana-Tombs

Quote from: Blizzard
Timewalking Highlight: Mana-Tombs


In World of Warcraft Patch 6.2, we’re introducing a new series of seven different weekend Bonus Events, two of which will feature Timewalking Dungeons—one in Outland dungeons for characters level 71 and higher, and another in Northrend dungeons for level 81 and higher. When you Timewalk these dungeons, your character’s power and gear will be scaled down to a fraction of what they normally are, and as you may have never ventured into some (or any) of these dangerous places, it might be a good idea to prepare yourself now.

Outland: Mana-Tombs

The original exiles on Draenor found death to be an unsettling and unfortunate consequence of life, and so the draenei hid their dead away in the subterranean grave-city of Auchindoun, a labyrinthine marvel located beneath the forests of Terokkar.

It is said that long ago, a shadowy cult invaded Auchindoun. In its depths, the cult released an immensely powerful, malevolent being from arcane captivity, blasting the decrepit city apart. Any adventurers brave enough to enter the abandoned, bone-littered remains of Auchindoun would do well to remember the warning of the city’s original guardians, the Auchenai: those who do not respect the dead…

… may become entombed along with them.

Dungeon Map

Click to enlarge



This infamous Void Lord is also known as the Duke of Chaos, the Eater of Nations, and Worldslayer. Pandemonius was one of the commanders serving under Dimensius when the ethereal homeworld of K’aresh was destroyed. He was later bound by Nexus-Prince Shaffar and forced to continue sating his unending hunger in service to the ethereals.


Under the command of Kael’thas Sunstrider, Pathaleon the Calculator summoned a powerful colossus to gather the arcane energies flowing from beneath the Mana Tombs. Tavarok has unexpectedly been transformed by the unique emanations, losing the red-tinged corruption of Pathaleon’s influence. The white colossus has gained his own free will and uses it to greedily consume all who would stand in his way.

Nexus-Prince Shaffar

Convinced that vast riches lay within the depths of the Mana Tombs, Nexus-Prince Shaffar has spent untold amounts of his own considerable fortune to move an army into the shadowed halls of this crumbling ruin, and to keep competing ethereals out. The prince’s greed knows no bounds, and he has vowed to uncover the mysteries of the Mana Tombs or die trying.


  • Be wary of the Mana Leeches when they’re nearly dead. They explode.
  • This is a good dungeon in which to practice using your dispels and cleanses.
  • Pandemonius has a shield. Don’t hit his shield.
  • Keep an eye out for Tavarok’s Crystal Prison. It can knock a lot of life off of the player inside.
  • Don’t let the orbs that fight you alongside Nexus-Prince Shaffar accumulate. They’re deadly in numbers.

Achievements and Reputation

If you haven’t earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award Mana-Tombs and Heroic: Mana-Tombs, the latter of which is required for Outland Dungeon Hero.

Killing enemies in this dungeon increases your standing with the Consortium. For a full breakdown of what you can do with Consortium reputation, check out Wowhead and Wowpedia.

Get in there and Fight!

Timewalking dungeons are coming to WoW with the upcoming Patch 6.2. Keep an eye out for the weekend-only quest A Burning Path Through Time, which rewards a Seal of Inevitable Fate when you complete five Burning Crusade Timewalking dungeons.

You can also find our Mana-Tombs preview here.

Release the Names! Character Name Reclamation Coming

Quote from: Blizzard
Release the Names! Character Name Reclamation Coming

With the upcoming Warlords of Draenor patch (6.2), we will be releasing sidelined characters’ names back into the wild. Any characters that have not logged into the game since December 7, 2010 will have their names freed up, making them available to anyone creating a new character or using the paid Character Name Change service.

How Do I Preserve My Names?

You will need to log in to World of Warcraft and enter the game using each character whose name you wish to retain before patch 6.2 goes live. While it is possible no one will claim your recently released name and you might be able to snag it again, it is probably not worth the risk if you want to keep your names intact long-term.

Our goal with this great name liberation is to make sure new and returning players have a large and varied pool of names available to choose from—so log in now if you wish to preserve your unused characters’ names for your ongoing journey through Draenor.

The Name I wanted wasn’t freed!

Going forward, we expect to free inactive names around the release of new expansions.  Prior to the reclamation process, we’ll post more information on the timeframe this will occur to allow you the opportunity to preserve your name.

The Road Ahead: Legendary Ring Questline

Be warned, this last post contains spoilers!

Patch 6.2- Fury of Hellfire Arrives June 23

Quote from: Blizzard
Patch 6.2- Fury of Hellfire Arrives June 23

Patch 6.2: Fury of Hellfire is almost here! On Tuesday, June 23 players will be able to build their Garrison Shipyard and venture into Tanaan Jungle to face Gul’dan and the twisted remnants of the Iron Horde. Hellfire Citadel Normal and Heroic modes will also be available for those who are brave enough to confront the dangers within.

Check out the official trailer below:

Learn more about the patch in the 6.2 PTR Patch Notes and in our preview blogs:


Hellfire Citadel Raid Schedule, Live Q&A Additional Answers, Timewalking Highlight: Black Morass

Hellfire Citadel Raid Schedule

Quote from: Blizzard
Hellfire Citadel Raid Schedule

The armies of Azeroth are set to charge into Tanaan Jungle and the new Raid found there. To help with the coordination of these fiery days to come, we’ve broken down the unlock schedule for Hellfire Citadel. Get ready!

If you’re among those patiently sharpening your sword until Raid Finder unlocks, please note that you’ll need a minimum item level of 650 to enter. Here’s the rundown:

Week 1 (with the release of Patch 6.2)

  • Hellfire Citadel Normal and Heroic difficulties open.

Week 2

  • Mythic difficulty becomes available.
  • Raid Finder Wing 1 (Hellfire Assault, Iron Reaver, Kormrok) unlocks.

Week 4

  • Raid Finder Wing 2 (Hellfire High Council, Kilrogg, Gorefiend) unlocks.

Week 6

  • Raid Finder Wing 3 (Shadow-Lord Iskar, Socrethar the Eternal, Tyrant Velhari) unlocks.

Week 8

  • Raid Finder Wing 4 (Fel Lord Zakuun, Xhul’horac, Mannoroth) unlocks.

Week 10

  • Raid Finder Wing 5 (Archimonde) unlocks.

Live Q&A Additional Answers

Quote from: Blizzard
I had a great time doing the Q&A this past weekend, and look forward to more opportunities to speak directly with the community and field your questions. I wanted to take some time to clarify a couple of my responses. I’d also like to address several questions that were in the queue, but which we weren’t able to reach before we ran out of time.

The infamous Demonology warlock response: We’ve heard from many players that they don’t enjoy the spec but feel pressured to play it because it has so clearly been the all-around best warlock spec in current raiding, and we’ve seen masses of warlocks who started out favoring Affliction or Destruction migrating steadily towards Demonology. We feel the spec has several elements that are awkward and unintuitive (it’s not just a matter of sheer “complexity” – it’s fine for some specs to be more challenging to play optimally, especially for pure DPS where players can choose to opt into that complexity while having alternatives available), and we have plans to rework (and hopefully improve) the spec, but those changes are beyond the scope of a patch. In the meantime, we want to make sure we’re alleviating the pressure to play Demonology over other specs, which means making sure that it isn’t the best warlock spec. The goal of our 6.2 changes is not to make Demonology terrible or unplayable, and I’d expect Demonology to still be quite competitive on some types of encounters, and viable everywhere. If it isn’t, we’ll make further adjustments to compensate. But we did intentionally make changes to ensure that it isn’t the single best warlock spec in patch 6.2, and I wanted to make it clear that this was our intent, rather than simply a mathematical error.

Healing priests: In the Q&A, I fielded a question about absorbs, and have seen feedback about a seeming contradiction between our stance on Demonology warlocks (“we don’t want all warlocks to feel obligated to play Demo, so we’re nerfing Demo”) and my comments about Disc (“you’re probably doing it wrong if you only have one priest in the raid and that priest isn’t Disc”). To be clear, we don’t think the current state of priest healer representation is a desirable one – I was describing the present reality, not stating our design goal. But the Discipline problem isn’t one that is solvable with simple numbers changes – we’d have to nerf Discipline to the point of complete uselessness in order to meaningfully affect their representation. The issue lies in their nature as an absorb-based healer, offering a unique benefit that neither Holy priest nor any other healer can provide, and often doing so at the expense of the fun of other healers (whose core gameplay lies in refilling health bars that now empty less, or not at all, due to absorbs). Absorbs are still interesting as a mechanic, and we’re not looking to prevent Disc from feeling unique, but the spec’s niche in multi-healer situations probably shouldn’t be mechanically blanketing allies with absorbs. In short: we acknowledge that there is a problem, but we don’t have a solution to discuss just yet.

Now, Lore gave me a list of questions that we didn’t get to on Saturday, and I’d like to take a stab at answering a few more. Some of these are things I could probably ramble on about for pages, but I’ll try to stay concise to keep the responses in line with the content of the rest of the Q&A.

Q: “How has itemisation in WoD worked out thus far? Are you happy with new stats? Bonus gear properties? Enchants?” – @MagdalenaDK
A: Overall, we’re happy with how most of the changes have played out. Bonus gear properties in particular keep “farm” content potentially rewarding and create some extra moments of excitement, as designed. Tertiary stats were too weak initially, but since the 6.1 changes they’re in a good place – I’ve seen people get more excited for a huge Speed or Avoidance bump on a primary gear slot than they would have been over a socket, which is pretty cool. As far as stats go, and this may surprise players somewhat, we’re pretty satisfied with how Versatility has turned out – it’s a simple baseline stat that’s easy to understand, and has some depth to it especially in PvP. It may not be the favorite stat of any damage-dealing raiders, but that’s okay – it’s a solid baseline. Multistrike is probably the weakest of our current stats from a design perspective. Mechanically it’s very similar to crit, except where we’ve added specific class mechanics to hook into it and bolster it as a stat. There may be a visceral feel at times to firing extra missiles, but when you’re firing a ton of projectiles all the time, that also comes at the expense of lessening the impact of each individual missile and cast.

Q: Any plans on another stat squish? This last one didn’t seem to do much. – @RippleTideWoW
A: Well, players are currently dealing damage roughly on par with what we saw at the end of Dragon Soul almost 4 years ago, which is fairly significant. If not for the squish, we’d be seeing DPS values in the millions, player health well into the millions, gear having 5-digit amounts of each stat, and so forth. So the squish did do quite a bit. Experience has shown, however, that if a full tier of gear doesn’t increase player stats by at least 10-15%, upgrades feel unrewarding. The compounding nature of that growth does mean that numbers will get unwieldy over time. We don’t see the need for another stat squish in the very near future, but we’ll likely end up doing one again eventually.

Q: Will the kick tool be improved to be less prone to abuse? – Evangelia
A: The vote-to-kick system in our Group Finder is definitely due for some improvements. The system was designed alongside the original introduction of the LFG tool years ago, in a world where the default loot method was Need/Greed and a major issue was people abusing the kick feature to eliminate competition for loot. Nowadays, there are far fewer selfish motivations for initiating a kick, and so it makes sense for us to reevaluate that design. In Raid Finder in particular, one person who is griefing is having a negative impact on the gameplay experience of up to 24 other players, and we should make sure we’re weighting the protections provided by the system accordingly. We are working on making some subtle adjustments to the logic involved that should address some of these issues: for example, just because you’re in combat doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to kick someone who deserves it – that restriction used to be in place to prevent loot abuse, but now loot is mailed to players who aren’t around to receive it. We’ll continue to keep an eye on the system and make additional tweaks aimed at reducing player frustration.

Q: When kill Ele/Enh Shamans get the rework we deserve? Totems are so outdated and irrelevant. – @STVN214
A: Totems could definitely use some love. I’m not sure the core rotations of either spec need an outright “rework,” though there are certainly some issues (Ele Ascendance being numerically underwhelming, Enhance having so many different sources of damage that few individual button presses feel rewarding). Totems historically provided irreplaceable benefits (e.g. Windfury providing extra attacks) that were balanced by the spatial constraint of being tied to a killable totem in a fixed location. Now that drawback often feels unwarranted. There isn’t much that’s cool about an ability like Searing Totem. Powerful area effects like Earthgrab, Windwalk, or Healing Tide fare better, but that isn’t a very long list. We agree that totems need to either be overhauled as a mechanic or that their importance to the shaman class needs to be reduced.

Q: What do Fire and Frost Mages, Ele Shamans… have mana bars for? Will mana matter again at some point? – @Crowvyn
A: For many hybrid casters, mana is little more than a constraint on ability to heal, allowing for hybrid offheals to be potent, but limiting their sustainability so that they clearly fall short of a dedicated healer. Beyond that, we agree, there isn’t much point to the resource for several specs. Mana works well as a healer resource, where mana management and efficiency are designed to be a core part of every healer’s gameplay (some specs’ current situation notwithstanding), but we moved away from having it as a meaningful constraint on DPS output because it generally served as a frustrating constraint in a world where many if not most other DPS specs were not similarly constrained. Arcane mages stand as the exception, but they have a toolkit specifically designed around controlling their mana pools. I don’t think we’re likely to return to a world where Elemental shamans can run themselves out of mana and end up unable to cast Lightning Bolt, but perhaps there are more interesting things that could be done with DPS resource bars in place of mana.

Q: Complex encounter design (positioning) is being trivialized by player-created tools (See: Kromog) Are there plans to curb this? – @jsutan
A: Clever players have been using add-ons to assist with raid coordination since the earliest days of WoW raiding. When these add-ons have crossed a line and approached automating player activity or decisionmaking entirely, we have stepped in to disable or limit the underlying functionality that made that possible. Beyond that, players’ ability to use mods to help keep track of non-random abilities isn’t particularly concerning – as a raider myself, I downloaded Thogar Assist as a reference, but found that by the time my guild defeated the encounter I had long since memorized the train schedule. It is something for us to keep in mind, however, and we do occasionally alter our designs when we realize that a mod would completely trivialize the intended gameplay. Kromog, for example, could have had another dozen or so hand spawn points, and randomly picked a subset of them each phase, preventing any sort of fixed 1-to-1 assignment.

Q: Legacy buff for MoP content, When? – Vert
A: Never. (Or at least not until next time we do a stat squish, technically.) The “legacy buff” that applies to enemies below level 90 once you exceed that level was designed specifically and solely to offset the 6.0 “stat squish,” which compressed the exponential scaling in the items available from level 61 to 90, into linear scaling. Pre-squish, a level 90 player with Pandaria raid gear was literally a dozen times more powerful than they had been at level 80 with Wrath gear. Post-squish that is no longer the case, so we have a special combat modifier in place to preserve the expected gameplay, so that soloing old content does not become harder. Gear higher than item level 463 wasn’t squished, so endgame Mists content designed to be tackled by players of that power level wasn’t affected and no combat scalar is needed. Mists content will increasingly become doable with fewer players than intended, as player power continues to rise, as has always been the case. People already are soloing large chunks of Mists content, and that goal will only become more and more attainable as time goes on and gear continues to improve.

Q: Will hunters and mages get a new raid utility in 6.2? – @Garfurion
A: No. At this point, while we may still be making numerical adjustments, I wouldn’t expect new abilities or class functionality in 6.2. We removed Aspect of the Fox from hunters because they simply did not need it to be unique, viable, and in fact highly desired. It also contributed to elevating ranged classes above melee in many cases, by offsetting one of most casters’ main weaknesses. One of the strengths of melee classes is that they can move along with their target and continue to deal full damage while on the move, while most casters’ throughput suffers if they can’t stand still. In encounter design, we create mechanics and phases with this constraint in mind, with the expectation that a ranged-heavy raid will have its throughput suffer during something like Hans’gar and Franzok’s Stamping Presses phase, or Blackhand’s Massive Demolitions. Each additional Aspect of the Fox eroded this natural melee advantage, and contributed to raid composition and balance issues.

Even without Fox, Hunters are unique in that they are the only ranged DPS that can do nearly everything while on the move, which naturally makes them well-suited to specialized roles on a number of encounters, aside from naturally thriving in high-movement environments. On top of that, Deterrence, Feign Death, Misdirection, and Disengage all allow them to assist with handling mechanics in ways that many other classes cannot. As for Mages, Amplify was not nearly as impactful, but neither was it necessary to justify the inclusion of a class that already brings a versatile toolset, burst damage, control, and useful immunities. A particularly odd feature of both Aspect of the Fox and Amplify Magic is that neither ability had any apparent use whatsoever when solo, which contributed to their awkwardness.

In short, we added those abilities in 6.0 because we were concerned that mages and hunters might not be well-represented without some new and unique raid cooldown, but having observed how they have played out in practice, those concerns were likely unfounded, leaving us with two new niche abilities at a time where we have otherwise been trying to streamline the contents of class spellbooks. Thus, we’re removing them in 6.2.

Timewalking Highlight: Black Morass

Quote from: Blizzard
Timewalking Highlight: Black Morass


In World of Warcraft Patch 6.2, we’re introducing a new series of seven different weekend events, and two of the seven weekends will make Timewalking Dungeons available to characters at level 71 and higher for Outland dungeons or 81 and higher for Northrend dungeons. When you Timewalk these dungeons, you’ll find that your character’s power and gear has been scaled down to a fraction of what they normally are, and you may have never ventured into some (or all) of them, so it’s a good idea to prepare yourself now.

Outland: Black Morass

Deep within the Caverns of Time, the brooding dragon Nozdormu has awakened. Since the world was young, the bronze dragonflight has safeguarded the winding labyrinth, monitoring the shifting timeways to ensure that the delicate balance of time is upheld.

But now the ancient Dragon Aspect has been roused by an elusive threat: dark, sinister agents have infiltrated the timeways, embarking on missions to alter the course of the past, present and future. As a result, the bronze dragonflight has begun enlisting heroes to prevent the sabotage of key historical events. The balance of time is in jeopardy, and if the past is not saved…there will be no future.

Dungeon Map

Click to enlarge


Chrono Lord Deja

The Infinite Dragonflight tempted many drakonid with promises of power, but most found only servitude and despair. One of the few exceptions is Chrono Lord Deja, who gained influence within the flight through his raw power and cunning.


Although relatively young, Temporus was instrumental in identifying many of the Infinite Dragonflight’s prime targets. As a reward, he was given the responsibility of destroying anyone who might attempt to interfere with the dragonflight’s plans.


Powerful and wild, Aeonus was tasked by the Master of the Infinite Dragonflight to personally oversee the disruption of key moments in the true timeway.


  • Before you approach Medivh, you should first take out any enemies you see around the area.
  • When you get close to him, Medivh will start an event that comes in waves. Three of those waves are boss fights.
  • To close each opening rift, kill the Rift Keeper who is keeping it open.
  • Kill the enemies who come through as quickly as possible to prevent them overwhelming Medivh.
  • If you’re efficient, you’ll be able to get out of combat between rifts (and recover).

Achievements and Reputation

If you’ve not gotten them before, completing this dungeon will award Opening of the Dark Portal and Heroic: Opening of the Dark Portal , the latter of which is required for Outland Dungeon Hero.

Killing enemies in this dungeon increases your standing with the Keepers of Time. For a full breakdown of what you can do with Keepers of Time reputation, check out Wowhead and Wowpedia.

Get in there and Fight!

Timewalking dungeons are coming to WoW with Patch 6.2: Fury of Hellfire. Keep an eye out for the weekend-only quest “A Burning Path Through Time”, which rewards a Seal of Inevitable Fate when you complete five Burning Crusade Timewalking dungeons.

Summary of 6.2 Preview Guides

Patch 6.2 doesn’t have a release date yet, but the changes on the PTR are slowing down. So we can start expecting 6.2 soon, without the TM. To catch you up on what’ll be coming in 6.2 here’s an overview of all that we have covered from the 6.2 PTR.

One thing that they are still adjusting on the PTR are the numbers, for example the daily bonus objectives currently reward 800 apexis crystals instead of 500 per area. We will change the numbers in our preview guide once it has stopped changing.

Patch 6.2 Q&A Liveblog

The live Q&A with Lead Game Designer Ion “Watcher” Hazzikostas has ended. Check out the VoD or our summary of new/interesting information below.

  • The addition of flight in 6.2.x instead of in 6.2 is because of development reasons. There are a bunch of bugs that need to be fixed now that flying will come to Draenor.
  • All the reputations required for the Draenor pathfinder quests will be available at the same time. To get them to revered will take you about 3 weeks if you do the dailies in Tanaan every day.
  • The solution for flying is seen as a blueprint for future content. So you’ll first only have ground mount access and then after playing the content you’ll earn flying. Of course they will have to see how it initially works out in patch 6.2.x.
  • What to do with flying in Draenor was a difficult decision to make for the team. When 6.2 was on the PTR the team felt they had to make a final decision. Both within the community and in the development team there was a lot of discussion for both sides of the problem. “Never” was a big word.
  • The reputations in 6.0 are not going to be defended. Originally they weren’t going to be in Draenor at all, but they were added for the Trading Post. The 6.2 reputation design is a lot more of a modern design for reputations.
  • The idea behind the apexis dailies has promise but it didn’t pan out right. The idea was that you’d do different things such as killing mobs and destroying items in different areas. You’d be able to do different types of things to get progress for your daily. By removing quests entirely there was a lack of story, and the reward structure was not a success.
  • They approached Garrisons making sure they rewarded you well as they were a core part of Draenor. A lot of systems tied into it because of that. Including outdoor systems. Even though there was content out in the world, the Garrison kept you in your Garrison as it rewarded stuff like profession items.
  • They’re looking to do some Diminishing Returns on an account wide level for the gold earned via garrison missions. They’re going to do this because of the pressure players feel to maintain alts to earn a lot of gold via their alts for their mains.
  • To get players out of the Garrison they’re putting rewards back into the world. For example Felblight needs to be looted instead of being earned via the garrison.
  • The Shipyard is different in that you have less ships and the rewards mean more per naval mission. You won’t continually need to check back in your Shipyard to send ships on new missions.
  • Garrisons are just tied to Draenor. You won’t bring it over to future expansions. However the core gameplay (a base, followers) might be taken into future expansions. It will not be exactly the same.
  • The transition for 10 player heroic guilds to 20man mythic was certainly challenging. But there will always be guild that come and go. They still feel changing to the flexible structure and 20man mythic mode was a good idea. The 20man experience is better due to being able to tune specifically to just 20 players instead of 10 and 25, and then failing to balance them exactly the same.
  • Having Mythic mode is justified, it inspires players to progress their character. Mythic design only takes 5% to 10% of the time to create raids.
  • Timewalker dungeons are weekend events to make them more condensed events. You’ll be able to focus on quickly gearing alts for example. There’s also the context of where does timewalking fit in? Why would you do other Draenor dungeons if Timewalking gives you better loot? By keeping it limited it allows them to make Timewalker dungeons give higher item level rewards.
  • Dungeons became irrelevant pretty quickly. It’s another regret of the developers. There was no reason to keep returning to the dungeons due to a lack of a reward system. Mythic dungeons are a way to salvage the dungeons themselves and keep them relevant. Mythic dungeons give 685 – 700 item level loot.
    • They’re going to look for a way for dungeons to scale over time so that they still matter.
  • They don’t see Timewalker dungeons as content instead of new dungeons. Timewalker dungeons are a feature that they’ve wanted to do for a while.
  • On Demonology warlock nerfs: They have concerns about how Demonology plays mechanically as a spec. At the same time an increasing amount of warlocks felt like they were forced to switch to Demonology. They intend to change Demo mechanically in the future. Demo is still viable but it’s not the best. For now it’s Demo’s turn to be the worst spec.
  • Ability pruning did not go too far. In some cases it did not go far enough. That does not mean they did not prune some abilities they shouldn’t have. Moving forward they’re looking to increase the fantasy of being your class. Being a fire mage, being a rogue.
  • The game is less dominated by absorbs (healers) than in MoP. The problem is the niche of absorbs needs to be scaled back. Currently it feels like you need a disc priest + another healer. Absorbs also stop the fun of throughput healers, they stop the health bars dropping, which throughput healers want to fill back up.
  • Professions will be changed in the future. In 6.2 you’ll get a lot more profession items from the daily cooldown and once again Felblight can only be obtained by going into the world.
  • The duration of a (mythic) fight depends on the encounter. An encounter with the same mechanics through the entire fight should take 5 to 6 minutes. When there are phase changes you can expect them to be a bit longer. And then there’s the classic example of end boss fights with multiple phases and transitions, those will be 10+ minutes. Mythic Imperator did take too long.
  • Is the game becoming too convenient? That’s a tricky question to answer. They don’t want inconvenience and nuisance to be the things that stop you. There are different risks and rewards. The random group finder helped you find a group a lot quicker and you didn’t have to stand in Stormwind for 90 minutes to find a group. But it did take away social aspects.
  • For patch 6.1 there wasn’t a lot of time to get a lot of content in it. It might have been better to name it patch 6.0.5. The patch wasn’t meant to be a major content patch.
  • On Tier 18 PvE and PvP art recoloring: Instead of it being a PvE and PvP set it’s a regular set and “elite” set. So that there’s a differentiation between the gear that’s the hardest to obtain and somewhat easier to obtain. Hence Mythic and Elite look the same with recoloring and the other sets look the same with recoloring.

End of Live Q&A