We’ve deployed the following changes to the PTR realms:
Fixed an issue that caused the Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible 4-Set Bonus to deal less damage than intended.
Vault of the Incarnates 4-Set Bonus has been adjusted – Consuming Maelstrom Weapon stacks increases your Haste by 1% per stack for 3 seconds (was 4 seconds).
Algeth’ar Puzzle Box (Trinket) on-use effect duration has been increased to 30 seconds (was 20 seconds) and its Mastery bonus has been decreased by 38%.
Furious Ragefeather (Trinket) damage decreased by 10%.
Fel Lance (PvP Talent) damage increased to 10% of target’s max health (was 6%).
Dismantle (PvP Talent) energy cost reduced to 15 (was 25).
Death from Above (PvP Talent) energy cost reduced to 15 (was 25). Damage bonus increased to 15% (was 10%).
Combat Stamina now increases Stamina by 15% (was 5%) in PvP combat only.
Take Your Cut (PvP Talent) duration increased to 12 seconds (was 8 seconds).
Turn the Tables (PvP Talent) duration increased to 12 seconds (was 6 seconds).
In addition to the class changes that were implemented in yesterday’s new PTR build, we’re making the following adjustments to classes on the Embers of Neltharion PTR today via hotfixes. These changes will all be in place before our Mythic Raid testing later today.
As always, we really appreciate your testing and feedback!
Death Knight
Fixed an issue with Gargoyle stutter casting when the cast time of Gargoyle Strike was lower than 1 second.
Gargoyle Strike damage reduced by 8%.
Developers’ note: Now that Gargoyle properly casts without stuttering when falling below 1 second cast times, we are reducing the damage of Gargoyle Strike to counter the extra casts.
Reaping damage bonus increased to 30% (was 25%).
Festering Wound damage increased by 10%.
Scourge Strike/Clawing Shadows damage increased by 15%.
Death Coil damage increased by 10%.
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 2-Set Bonus has been adjusted – The duration of Death Dealer has been increased to 25 seconds (was 20 seconds).
Starfall damage reduced by 5%.
Full Moons generated by Orbit Breaker now generate 80% Astral Power, in addition to its current effect.
Starfire now deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. Starfire’s tooltip will be updated in a future patch.
Radiant Spark duration increased to 12 seconds (was 10 seconds).
Touch of the Magi duration increased to 12 seconds (was 10 seconds).
Arcane Blast damage increased by 10%.
Arcane Missiles damage increased by 8%.
Arcane Barrage damage increased by 8%.
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible 2-Set Bonus has been adjusted – Arcane Surge’s spell damage increased by 10% (was 5%).
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible 2-Set Bonus has been adjusted – Duration increased to 18 seconds (was 12 seconds).
Pyroblast damage increased by 8%.
Fire Blast damage increased by 10%.
Fireball damage increased by 15%.
Scorch damage increased by 15%.
Improved Combustion now grants Mastery equal to 75% of your Critical Strike stat (was 50%).
Improved Scorch duration increased to 12 seconds (was 8 seconds).
Glacial Assault damage increased by 20%.
Comet Storm damage increased by 10%.
Snowstorm’s Cone of Cold damage increased by 12% per stack (was 10%).
Frozen Orb damage increased by 8%.
Blizzard damage increased by 12%.
Brain Freeze now causes Flurry to deal 65% additional damage (was 50%).
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible 2-Set Bonus has been adjusted – Flurry and Ice Lance damage is increased by 20% (was 15%).
Dazzling Lights healing from Divine Image reduced by 50%.
Empowered Renew now only triggers when casting Renew.
Empowered Renew now causes Renew to instantly heal your target for 40% of its total periodic effect (was 10%).
Healing Chorus now causes Renew to increase the healing done by your next Circle of Healing by 2%, stacking up to 50 times (was 1%).
Psychic Link now causes your direct damage spells to inflict 30% of their damage on all other targets afflicted by your Vampiric Touch (was 40%).
Mastermind now increases the critical strike damage of Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Spike, and Shadow Word: Death by 20%/40% (was 13%/25%).
Lava Surges triggered by Primordial Surge increase the damage of your next Lava Burst by 15% (was 25%).
Primordial Surge’s damage bonus is no longer reduced in PvP combat.
Lava Burst damage increased by 12%. Does not affect PvP combat.
Elemental Blast damage increased by 6%. Does not affect PvP combat.
Earth Shock damage increased by 6%. Does not affect PvP combat.
Lightning Bolt damage increased by 6%. Does not affect PvP combat.
Today, several members of the WoW Community Council met with World of Warcraft designers Morgan Day, Matt Villers, and Andrew De Sousa.
The discussion covered many topics related to the development of Mythic+ Dungeons, especially in Dragonflight going from Season 1 to Season 2, thoughts about players’ experiences with affixes, and how the Encounters team approaches making improvements to the system.
Please feel free to use this thread for any follow-up questions or discussion that you might have.
Hello everyone! Here are the changes in today’s PTR update:
Serrated Glaive now causes enemies hit by Throw Glaive to take 20% increased damage from Chaos Strike, in addition to its current effect.
Accelerating Blade has been renamed to Accelerated Blade.
Accelerated Blade now causes Throw Glaive to deal 60% increased damage (was 20%) and its damage is reduced by 30% for each previous enemy hit.
Updates to many non-boss enemies and all 3 bosses in the Vortex Pinnacle.
Update to improve spawn consistency for the Afflicted and Incorporeal affixes.
Gladiator’s Distinction (PvP trinket 2-set bonus) now provides 300 Stamina (was 2703) and 1600 primary stat (was 300).
Developers’ note:We are adjusting the bonuses from the PvP set bonus, Gladiator’s Distinction, to be percentage based so that it properly scales with new seasons. At the same time, we’ve noticed battleground fights and arena matches in Embers of Neltharion resulting in stalemates now that critical strikes are dealing less damage. To improve the experience, we’re reducing the primary stat granted to healers from the PvP set bonus. We also are aiming to give healers more opportunities to survive when being attacked, so we’re increasing the amount of Stamina healers receive from the PvP set bonus.
Gladiator’s Distinction now increases primary stat by 25% and increases Stamina by 5% for damage dealing and tank specializations.
Gladiator’s Distinction now increases primary stat by 15% and increases Stamina by 15% for healer specializations.
Decomposing Aura (PvP Talent) can now stack up to 4 times (was 5).
Grove Protection now reduces damage taken by 50% for affected allies (was 40%).
Beast Mastery
Dire Basilisk (PvP Talent) damage increased by 100%.
Flamecannon only applies to enemy players and NPCs. Pets and summons will no longer cancel the stacking effect.
Soul Rip souls are fractured up to 20 yards (was 16 yards) and now costs 1 Soul Shard (was 2).
Call Observer (PvP Talent) demon health increased by 100%, range increased to 30 yards (was 20 yards), and cooldown decreased to 60 seconds (was 90 seconds).
Call Observer (PvP Talent) damage increased to 10% of a player’s max health (was 5%).
Rapid Contagion (PvP Talent) duration decreased to 10 seconds (was 20 seconds) and now causes damage over time effects to occur 45% more often (was 33%).
Bodyguard (PvP Talent) now has a 20 yard range requirement (was 15 yards).
Dragonflight Season 2 is coming soon, bringing a new raid, an updated rotation of challenging Mythic+ dungeons, and a new PvP Season. This season will also feature familiar exclusive rewards such as the Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge achievements for raids, Keystone Master achievements, rewards for Mythic+, and Gladiator rewards for PvP.
Read on for more details, and prepare to take on all new challenges.
New Raid
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
Millennia ago, Neltharion established Aberrus, a secret laboratory where he conducted world altering experiments. Recently rediscovered, Aberrus is now under attack from all sides as forces seeking to claim the Earth-Warder’s legacy search for any power that remains. The champions of Azeroth must venture into the shadows and ensure Neltharion’s dark power doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
Explore Aberrus, Neltharion’s secret laboratory.
For more information on the new raid including boss encounters, achievements and release schedule, check out our raid preview article.
Cross-Faction Mythic, Cross-Realm, and Hall of Fame Eligibility
Cross-faction Mythic Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible will be available from the start. Hall of Fame entries will require at least 16 out of 20 raiders from the same guild to be eligible for rewards. Cross-realm will unlock later in the season.
New World Boss
The Zaqali Elders
Vakan and Gholna, powerful djaradin elders, are each a master over their respective element. Gholna with lava and Vakan with shadowflame, they are locked in constant conflict over who is stronger. Through devastation and chaos, each elder attempts to outdo the other until one of them is crowned victor.
You can face this menacing new World Boss duo at the Zaqali Caldera in Zaralek Cavern.
New Dungeon Rotation
Freehold returns in Dragonflight Season 2
Dragonflight Season 2 will feature a new dungeon rotation for Mythic+. Four dungeons from Dragonflight are included, and four returning dungeons from previous expansions. Here’s the full lineup:
Brackenhide Hollow
Halls of Infusion
Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Freehold (from the Battle for Azeroth™ expansion)
The Underrot (from the Battle for Azeroth™ expansion)
Neltharion’s Lair (from the Legion™ expansion)
The Vortex Pinnacle (from the Cataclysm™ expansion)
Mythic+ and PvP Season 2 will also begin the week of May 8 with regional maintenance. For Dragonflight, the item level of rewards from completing Mythic+ runs will not be capped on the first week, as Mythic Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible will open simultaneously.
The Inspiration Catalyst used to turn non-set pieces of the appropriate slot into a new set piece of the same item level will be available later in Season 2.
Seasonal Affixes
Here are all of Mythic+ Affixes for Season 2. Keystones from levels 2 through 6 will have either the Tyrannical or Fortified affixes. Starting at Keystone levels 7 and 14, an additional affix will be present, as per the lists below:
Keystone level 7 affixes:
Keystone level 14 affixes:
Mythic+ Rewards
The following rewards can be obtained by completing Mythic Keystone Dungeons in Season 2:
Dragonflight Keystone Conqueror: Season 2 – Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 1500 during Dragonflight Season 2.
Reward: “the Smoldering” title
Dragonflight Keystone Master: Season 2 – Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 2000 during Dragonflight Season 2.
Reward: Mount: Inferno Armoredon
Dungeon Teleports
Earned for each dungeon by completing a +20 or higher in that dungeon.
Title awarded to players in the top 0.1% of Mythic+ rating in each region at the end of the season.
Reward: “the Smoldering Hero” title
New PvP Season
A new PvP Season will also kick off, allowing heroes all over Azeroth a chance to obtain glory in the Arenas and Battlegrounds. The new item level caps for Honor and Conquest gear shake up as follows:
Crafted PvP gear is Obsidian Combatant and has a PvP item level of 424
Honor PvP gear Obsidian Aspirant and has a PvP item level of 437
Conquest PvP gear is Obsidian Gladiator and has a PvP item level of 450
Title: Obsidian Gladiator for rated 3v3, and Obsidian Legend for Rated Solo Shuffle
Mount: Obsidian Gladiator’s Drake
Dragonriding Appearance: Winding Slitherdrake: Embodiment of the Obsidian Gladiator
New Vicious mounts–Alliance and Horde-themed Snails (Vicious War Snail)
New Weapon Illusion–Shadow Flame
New Tabard and Cloak–Obsidian Gladiator’s Tabard, Obsidian Gladiator’s Prestigious Cloak
New Pennant–Obsidian Legend’s Pennant
New Elite Weapon Appearances – Obsidian Gladiator’s
Also, Season 2 of Dragonflight, features an updated weekly map rotation for Rated and Skirmish Arenas that you can check out below:
Millennia ago, Neltharion established Aberrus, a secret laboratory where he conducted world- altering experiments. Recently rediscovered, Aberrus is now under attack from all sides as forces seeking to claim the Earth-Warder’s legacy search for any power that remains. The champions of Azeroth must venture into the shadows and ensure Neltharion’s dark power doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
Week of May 8—Normal, Heroic, Mythic, and Raid Finder Wing 1: The Discarded Works (Kazzara, the Hellforged, The Amalgamation Chamber, The Forgotten Experiments) becomes available. Week of May 22—Raid Finder Wing 2: Fury of Giants (Assault of the Zaqali, Rashok the Elder, The Vigilant Stewart, Zskarn) becomes available. Week of June 5—Raid Finder Wing 3: Neltharion’s Shadow (Magmorax, Echo of Neltharion) becomes available. Week of June 19—Raid Finder Wing 4: Edge of the Void (Scalecommander Sarkareth) becomes available.
Although Neltharion would not use them himself until much later, he experimented with elementium plating in the early days of Aberrus. The end result of elementium and shadowflame was Kazzara, who was deemed far too unstable to release. Driven mad by the excruciating pain of her elementium plates, she now serves as the guardian of the Shadowed Crucible.
The Eternal Blaze burns with the heat of a thousand suns, while the essence of Shadow blooms with darkness incarnate. Although exceptionally powerful on their own, when combined, they surge with the unchecked might of shadowflame, creating a whirlwind of ultimate destruction.
The development of the dracthyr produced many iterations, some more successful than others. Early versions of the experiment proved far too volatile to destroy. Kept dormant for thousands of years, these creations have now awakened , and seek to test their prowess against the champions of Azeroth.
Led by Warlord Kagni, the Zaqali warband has launched an all-out assault against the Shadowed Crucible in search of their missing Elder, Rashok. Brutal and ruthless, Kagni is willing to employ any tactic to succeed.
Imprisoned within Aberrus for a millennia, the Zaqali elder Rashok has been perpetually drained of the raging flame within him to power Neltharion’s twisted laboratory. Existing on the edge of death for so long has driven the elder mad. Should he break free, his vengeance will scour the Shadowed Crucible’s halls.
Long ago, Zskarn was tasked with testing the mettle of Neltharion’s experiments. Only the most powerful would pass muster and keep their lives. The latest visitors to the Shadowed Crucible have attracted his unwavering attention—but his approval will be much harder to earn.
Raised from a pup by Neltharion, the only thing stronger than the loyalty of Magmorax is his appetite. The lava hydra guards the passage into the deepest chambers of the Shadowed Crucible, keeping his master’s secrets safely hidden from prying eyes.
Tucked away in the depths of the Shadowed Crucible, Neltharion’s sanctum was a place of refuge and research for the Earth-Warder. Some say that echoes of his powerful presence still linger here, contemplating the future of the black dragonflight and how to obtain the power to ensure its success.
As leader of the Sundered Flame, Scalecommander Sarkareth broke away from the rest of the dracthyr to forge a new future. He has since led his forces to Aberrus, intent on claiming the legacy he believes rightfully belongs to his kind and willing to do anything to obtain it.
New Achievements
All Difficulties
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: Defeat the following bosses on any difficulty—Kazzara, the Hellforged; The Amalgamation Chamber; The Forgotten Experiments; Assault of the Zaqali; Rashok the Elder; The Vigilant Stewart, Zskarn; Magmorax; Echo of Neltharion; Scalecommander Sarkareth.
Normal Difficulty and Higher
Cosplate: Defeat Kazzara, the Hellforged after shattering your own Hellsteel Plating.
I’ll Make My Own Shadowflame: Defeat the Shadowflame Amalgamation after using Umbral Detonation, Fiery Meteor and Blistering Twilight on a Forgotten Specimen Tank to create and extinguish a Shadowflame Remnant.
Tabula Rasa: Defeat The Forgotten Experiments after Nutraal is hit three times by Rending Charge, Volatile Spew, and Deep Breath.
Are You Even Trying?: Defeat the Assault of the Zaqali after hitting the listed creatures with a Cave Pebble.
Whac-A-Swog: Defeat Rashok, the Elder after hitting the Lost Lunker with Searing Slam five times.
Eggcellent Eggsecution: Defeat the Vigilant Steward, Zskarn while a member of your raid is carrying the Delicate Experimental Egg.
Escar-Go-Go-Go: Defeat Magmorax after feeding him 20 Spicy Lava Snails.
Objects in Transit May Shatter: Defeat the Echo of Neltharion after players smash through walls of Twisted Earth while carrying the Expired Experiment, the Stack of Scrolls, the Neverburning Ebon Candle, and the. “Portable” Ebon Anvil.
We’ll Never See That Again, Surely: Defeat Scalecommander Sarkareth after cultivating a Lump of Flesh and hurling it into the Emptiness Between Stars.
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Meta-Achievement
Glory of the Aberrus Raider: Complete the Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible raid achievements listed—osplate, I’ll Make My Own Shadowflame, Tabula Rasa, Are You Even Trying?, Whac-A-Swog, Eggcellent Eggsecution, Escar-Go-Go-Go, Objects in Transit May Shatter, We’ll Never See That Again, Surely.
Mount Reward: Shadowflame Shalewing
Heroic Difficulty and Higher
Ahead of the Curve: Scalecommander Sarkareth—Defeat Scalecommander Sarkareth in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
Cutting Edge: Scalecommander Sarkareth—Defeat Scalecommander Sarkareth in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible on Mythic difficulty, before the release of the next raid tier.
Mythic Difficulty
Title Reward: Heir to the Void
Mythic: Kazzara, the Hellforged—Defeat Kazzara, the Hellforged in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: The Amalgamation Chamber—— Defeat The Amalgamation Chamber in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: The Forgotten Experiments—Defeat The Forgotten Experiments in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Assault of the Zaqali—Defeat Assault of the Zaqali in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Rashok the Elder—Defeat Rashok, the Elder in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: The Vigilant Stewart, Zskarn—Defeat The Vigilant Stewart, Zskarn in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Magmorax—Defeat Magmorax in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible on Mythic difficulty.
Echo of Neltharion—Defeat Echo of Neltharion the Storm-Eater in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Scalecommander Sarkareth—Defeat Scalecommander Sarkareth in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible on Mythic difficulty.
Embers of Neltharion is just around the corner. We’ll see you in the Dragon Isles, hero!
Hello everyone! Here are this week’s updates to the Embers of Neltharion PTR:
Developers’ note:We’ve decided to increase both player stamina and enemy damage by 25% in Embers of Neltharion. This is very much like an adjustment that was made just before the launch of Dragonflight, and it’s for the same reasons.
When damage mitigation abilities and healing are too strong relative to player health, the only way to threaten players is to make enemy damage very high and spiky. If healers can very quickly top off their teammates and mana isn’t a limiting factor, enemies have to be tuned to have the capacity to do burst damage that kills players before healers can react. That isn’t very satisfying gameplay. Increasing player health gives players more time to react to incoming damage, and it makes players’ choices about cooldowns and mana management more meaningful.
Along with this change, you’ll see several adjustments to hybrid healing spells, items, and enchantments, as well as percentage-based healing spells.
Player stamina increased by 25%, and enemy spell and melee damage increased by 25%, and self-healing and absorb shield spells for damage dealers and tanks have been increased by a commensurate amount, so that they retain their impact when solo or when supporting a group.
Blood Draw healing increased by 25%.
Blood Plague healing increased by 25%.
Relish in Blood healing increased by 25%.
Leech from Voracious increased to 12% (was 10%).
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 2-Set Bonus has been adjusted – Frostwyrm’s Fury cast by Pillar of Frost now deals 30% of normal damage (was 40%).
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 4-Set Bonus has been adjusted – Frostwyrm’s Fury causes enemies hit to take 20% increased damage from your Critical Strikes (was 25%).
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 4-Set Bonus has been adjusted – Consuming Sudden Doom grants 1 extra stack of Master of Death (was 2 stacks).
Fodder to the Flame now heals for 20% of maximum health (was 25%).
Fel Devastation healing increased by 25%.
You heal for 10% of all damage you deal to targets with Frailty (was 8%).
Feast of Souls healing increased by 25%.
The maximum absorb of Revel in Pain increased by 25%.
The Hunt now heals for 25% of damage you deal to your Hunt target was 20%).
Healing from consuming a Soul Fragment increased by 25%.
Charred Warblades causes you to heal for 4% of Fire damage dealt (was 3%).
Soul Barrier absorbs 25% additional damage.
The bonus absorb value from consuming Soul Fragments increased by 25%.
Regrowth healing increased by 50%.
Swiftmend healing increased by 50%.
Rejuvenation healing increased by 25%.
Wild Growth healing increased by 25%.
Protector of the Pack’s maximum heal value increased by 25%.
Regrowth healing increased by 50%. Does not affect PvP combat.
Swiftmend healing increased by 50%.
Rejuvenation healing increased by 25%.
Wild Growth healing increased by 25%.
Protector of the Pack’s maximum heal value increased by 25%.
Developers’ note: Feral damage is a little lower than we like after the shift of power away from Berserk: Frenzy and the Berserk redesign in Embers of Neltharion. We’re happy with the relative values of Feral’s builders, so we’re adding a bit more to their overall damage (with some extra for Lunar Inspiration). We’re also reversing some of the 10.0.5 damage reduction to Rip to increase its value in single target, but reducing the value of Tear Open Wounds to keep Rip’s contribution to AOE about the same.
Increase Shred, Rake, Swipe, Brutal Slash, and Thrash damage by 2%.
Increase Lunar Inspiration damage by 5%.
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 2-Set Bonus has been adjusted – Shadows of the Predator’s duration increased to 25 seconds (was 20 seconds) and when an application resets stacks, duration is reset to 25 seconds.
Thrashing Claws’ Shred damage bonus reduced to 5% (was 8%).
Dreadful Bleeding Rip damage bonus increased to 18% (was 15%).
Tear Open Wounds’ damage conversion rate reduced to 60% (was 70%).
Regrowth healing increased by 50%.
Swiftmend healing increased by 50%.
Rejuvenation healing increased by 25%.
Wild Growth healing increased by 25%.
Protector of the Pack’s maximum heal value increased by 25%.
Lunar Beam healing increased by 25%.
Elune’s Favored causes you to be healed for 40% of Arcane damage done (was 30%).
Brambles reflects 25% additional damage.
Ursoc’s Fury causes Thrash and Maul to grant an absorb shield for 60% of damage dealt (was 50%).
Feed the Flames now triggers after casting 9 Pyres (was 12).
Snapfire damage bonus to Firestorm increased to 100% (was 40%).
Shattering Star cooldown increased to 20 seconds (was 15 seconds).
Scintillation’s Eternity Surge power reduced to 50% (was 60%).
Living Flame healing increased by 25%.
Emerald Blossom healing increased by 25%.
Verdant Embrace healing increased by 25%.
Panacea healing increased by 25%.
Rejuvenating Wind now heals for 8%/16% of maximum health (was 10%/20%).
In the Rhythm now grants 12% Haste (was 15%).
Windrunner’s Guidance now grants 6 seconds of Trueshot (was 10 seconds).
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 2-Set Bonus has been adjusted – Kill Command damage bonus has been reduced to 40% (was 50%).
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 4-Set Bonus has been adjusted – Wildfire damage bonus to the primary target has been reduced to 75% (was 100%).
Soothing Mist healing increased by 25%.
Chi Burst healing increased by 25%.
Chi Wave healing increased by 25%.
Expel Harm healing increased by 25%.
Staggering Strikes reduces Stagger by an additional 25%.
Celestial Brew absorbs 25% additional damage.
Vivify healing increased by 92%.
Celestial Fortune now has a chance equal to your critical strike chance to be healed for an additional 80% of the amount healed (was 65%).
Chi Cocoon now provides a shield for 8% of your maximum health (was 10%).
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 2-Set Bonus has been adjusted – Soulfang Infusion now has a short internal cooldown before it can trigger again.
Soothing Mist healing increased by 25%.
Chi Burst healing increased by 25%.
Chi Wave healing increased by 25%.
Expel Harm healing increased by 75%.
Vivify healing increased by 92%.
Fixed an issue causing Consecrated Ground’s radius increase to not apply to Hallowed Ground (PvP talent) and Golden Path.
Fixed an issue with Afterimage’s tracker failing to update immediately after the echo.
Fixed an issue with Sanctified Wrath’s tooltip duration.
Moment of Glory creates an absorb shield for 25% of all damage dealt (was 20%).
Bulwark of Order creates an absorb shield for 30%/60% of Avenger’s Shield damage dealt (was 25%/50%).
Light of the Titans healing increased by 25%.
Word of Glory healing increased by 25%.
Flash of Light healing increased by 50%.
Word of Glory healing increased by 50%.
Flash of Light healing increased by 50%.
Light’s Celerity increases Flash of Light healing by 20% (was 50%).
Guided Prayer casts a Word of Glory at 60% effectiveness (was 100%).
Justicar’s Vengeance heals for 5% of maximum health (was 6%).
Fixed an issue causing Recompense to sometimes heal instead of dealing damage.
Power Word: Shield absorbs 25% additional damage.
Renew healing increased by 25%.
Prayer of Mending healing increased by 25%.
Flash Heal healing increased by 50%.
Soothing Darkness now heals for 24% of maximum health (was 30%).
Earthgrab Totem now has a 30 second cooldown (was 1 minute).
Healing Surge healing increased by 37%.
Earth Shield healing increased by 25%.
Chain Heal healing increased by 25%.
Healing Stream Totem healing increased by 25%.
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 2-Set Bonus has been adjusted – Gain Stormkeeper every 50 seconds (was 40 seconds).
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 4-Set Bonus has been adjusted – For 8 seconds after you consume Stormkeeper, your Lightning Bolt, Lava Burst, Icefury, and Frost Shock generate 75% (was 100%) more Maelstrom, and your Chain Lightning, Lava Beam, and Earthquake critical strike damage is increased by 20%.
All ability and pet damage dealt increased by 5%.
Healing Surge healing increased by 37%.
Earth Shield healing increased by 25%.
Chain Heal healing increased by 25%.
Healing Stream Totem healing increased by 25%.
Improved Maelstrom Weapon increases the healing of your next healing spell by 5%/10% (was 10%/20%).
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 4-Set Bonus has been adjusted – Sundering now increases your Physical and Fire damage dealt by 20% (was 30%) for 15 seconds and your now affects the next 2 Chain Lightnings (was 3).
Demon Skin now recharges Soul Leech at a rate of 0.2%/0.4% of maximum health (was 0.2%/0.5%).
Titanic Throw no longer affects crowd-controlled targets.
Ignore Pain absorbs 25% additional damage.
Pain and Gain heals for 3.5% of maximum health (was 4.5%).
Fixed an issue that prevent Spear of Bastion from being cast while the Warrior was silenced.
Storm Wall now heals for 8% of maximum health (was 10%).
Invigorating Fury now heals for 15% of maximum health (was 20%).
Fixed an issue causing Onslaught to have unpredictable behavior with Whirlwind’s chain buff.
Fueled by Violence causes you to be healed for 110% of the damage dealt by Deep Wounds (was 85%).
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 2-Set Bonus has been adjusted – Shield Slam now reduces the cooldown of Last Stand by 2 seconds (was 1 second).
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 4-Set Bonus has been adjusted – Duration of Earthen Tenacity increased to 20 seconds (was 10 seconds) and the damage of Earthen Smash increased by 300%.
Hackclaw’s War-Band
Gashtooth will sharpen her knife and laugh at her target as they stumble around while blinded by Decayed Senses.
Many enemies have had their abilities and visuals updated.
Skycap’n Kragg
Azerite Powder Shot is now a 60 yard cone and its impact damage reduced. Visual updated to support this.
The damage over time effect of Azerite Powder Shot can now be dispelled.
Council o’ Captains
Confidence-Boosting Freehold Brew now increases Critical Strike chance by 30%.
Captain Raoul’s Blackout Barrel targeting updated. Now prefers damage dealers, then healers, then tanks as a last resort.
Captain Raoul’s Barrel Smash duration was reduced to 2 seconds (was 4 seconds). Damage increased to compensate.
Captain Eudora’s Powder Shot avoids shooting the same player twice within 6 seconds.
Captain Eudora’s Grapeshot leap will no longer jump to a location she is already standing at.
Captain Eudora’s Grapeshot now applies a stacking damage over time effect each time a player is hit and it’s impact damage has been reduced.
Ring of Booty
Lightning now has 3 stacks of Greasy (was 5).
Ludwig Von Tortollan’s health has been reduced by 25%.
Trothak’s Sharknado duration was reduced to 3 seconds (was 6 seconds).
Trothak’s Sharknado visual has been updated.
Harlan Sweete
New Ability: Whirling Dagger – Throws a dagger at a random non-tank player inflicting Physical damage and a 3 second Bleed. While Loaded Dice: All Hands! is active, Whirling Dagger ricochets between all players.
Swiftwind Saber has been redesigned – Now fires a single saber at a random player. While Loaded Dice: All Hands! is active, Swiftwind Saber shoots 5 sabers in random directions.
Irontide Grenadier’s Black Powder Bomb visual has been updated.
Irontide Grenadiers no longer channel Black Powder Bomb. Black Powder Bomb is now an 8 yard area-of-effect.
Primal Tsunami
No longer uses Rogue Waves.
Stacks of Infuse are now reset between intermissions.
Trogg waves summoned are always made up of 3 Ambushers and 1 Geomancer.
Sentinel Talondras
Unrelenting damage bonus reduced to 5% per stack.
Chrono-Lord Deios
Reduced the damage of most abilities.
Many enemies have had their abilities updated and adjusted.
Shadowed Belt Clasp now provides 25% more Stamina.
Enchant Boots – Watcher’s Loam now provides 25% more Stamina.
Enchant Chest – Sustained Strength now provides 25% more Stamina.
Solid Eternity Amber now provides 25% more Stamina.
Forceful Nozdorite now provides 25% more Stamina.
Puissant Nozdorite now provides 25% more Stamina.
Jagged Nozdorite now provides 25% more Stamina.
Steady Nozdorite now provides 25% more Stamina.
Fierce Armor Kit now provides 25% more Stamina.
Frozen Spellthread now provides 25% more Stamina.
New Scalewarden Gear and new consumables are available:
The blue quality Scalewarden Gear and consumables can be purchased with Bloody Tokens from Malicia in Gladiator’s Refuge, Valdrakken. Scalewarden Gear can be upgraded with Trophies of Strife, which you can earn from weekly Sparks of Life quests.
Trophies of Strife and Bloody Tokens will be reset when Embers of Neltharion launches. Trophies of Strife will convert into items that can be sold to vendors for gold, while Bloody Token count will be reset to zero.
Gladiator’s Distinction (PvP trinket 2-set bonus) now provides 300 Stamina (was 2703) and 1600 primary stat (was 300).
Chaos Nova duration decreased to 3 seconds in PvP combat (was 4 seconds).
Sigil of Misery duration decreased to 3 seconds in PvP combat (was 4 seconds).
Imprison duration decreased to 3 seconds in PvP combat (was 4 seconds).
Blood Moon (PvP Talent) has been slightly redesigned – Consume Magic now affects all enemies within 8 yards of the target, and generates a Lesser Soul Fragment. Each effect consumed has a 5% chance to upgrade to a Greater Soul.
Entangling Bark (PvP talent) root duration decreased to 6 seconds (was 8 seconds) and now roots the first 3 melee attackers (was 2).
Regrowth healing is no longer reduced in PvP combat (was 15%).
Leg Sweep duration decreased to 4 seconds in PvP combat (was 5 seconds).
Perpetual Paralysis (PvP Talent) now reduces range of Paralysis by 5 yards (was 10 yards) and now selects targets within 10 yards (was 6 yards).
Word of Glory healing is now reduced by 45% in PvP combat (was 30%).
Flash of Light healing is now reduced by 30% in PvP combat.
Light’s Celerity increases Flash of Light healing by 10% in PvP combat (was 20%).
Silence duration decreased to 3 seconds in PvP combat (was 4 seconds).
Dagger in the Dark (PvP talent) has been redesigned – Each second while Stealth is active, nearby enemies within 12 yards (was 10 yards) take an additional 2% (was 5%) damage from you for 10 seconds (was your next Ambush). Stacks up to 6 times (was 8).
Veil of Midnight (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – Now causes Cloak of Shadows to remove harmful physical effects and increases dodge chance by 100%.
Maneuverability (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – Sprint has a 50% reduced cooldown and 50% reduced duration.
Fixed an issue where Intimidating Shout did not have the correct PvP duration when talented into Menace.
Death Wish (PvP Talent) now has a 4 second cooldown (was 5 seconds), increases damage dealt and taken by 10%, and health cost increased to 10% (was 5%). Stacks up to 5 times (was 10).
Fixed an issue that prevented Death Wish from affecting sources of damage that were not Warrior ability or auto-attack damage.