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Category: Podcasts

Podcast Episode 42 WoD Speculations

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The podcast is back in it’s regular form! Today we talk about the server wide auction houses, the Gamescom special WoD event and the alliance chopper. We also answer fan questions about illidan stormrage, garrisons and the beta content!

Podcast Episode 38 WoD Alpha/Beta Faction Hubs, Livestreaming

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The podcast is back this week! We talked about the change from Alpha to Beta for WoD, the sudden announcement regarding the faction hubs, the bloodmaul slag mines dungeon and legendaries in WoD. This was also the first livestream we broadcast live. We intend to expand on livestreaming within the coming weeks. There is a chance we will be livestreaming on monday the 30th of june. Once we know specifics we’ll post it on our social media so be sure to follow us on facebook, twitter or G+! You can also follow us on twitch here.

Podcast Episode 37 WoD Alpha First Look

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This week’s podcast is up! This week we talk about the yet again new healer mana changes, how our first week in the WoD Alpha has been and the secondary stat specialisations for each class and spec. At the same time we would like to apologize for the subpar podcast we released last week, we considered taking it down from youtube but decided against it so that should anyone still like to watch it they can do so.