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Author: Mezzy

Host and author of WoW Weekly podcast, guides and website. I have played WoW since classic, enjoy MMORPG’s and game design in general.

WoD Beta: Gorgrond Image Gallery

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Up next in our Image Gallery series we take a look at Gorgrond. Gorgrond is the first zone you go to after completing your faction’s intro zone (SMV or Frostfire Ridge). These images were originally posted on our facebook page.

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Raid Testing Schedule – September 4-5

Raid testing continues at the end of this week!

Quote from: Blizzard
On Thursday, September 4, and Friday, September 5, we will continue Warlords Mythic raid testing. As always given the nature of beta, it is quite possible that there will be technical or gameplay issues that disrupt the testing. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

Mythic difficulty is designed for a fixed-size 20-player group.

Each encounter should be available at approximately the listed times below on all Beta servers.

Thursday, September 4

Kargath – Mythic Highmaul
10:30 PDT (13:30 EDT, 19:30 CEST)

Tectus – Mythic Highmaul
13:30 PDT (16:30 EDT, 22:30 CEST)

Ko’ragh – Mythic Highmaul
16:00 PDT (19:00 EDT, 01:00 CEST)

Friday, September 5

Brackenspore – Mythic Highmaul
10:30 PDT (13:30 EDT, 19:30 CEST)

Hans’gar and Franzok – Mythic Foundry
13:30 PDT (16:30 EDT, 22:30 CEST)

Operator Thogar – Mythic Foundry
15:00 PDT (18:00 EDT, 24:00 CEST)

As always, this testing schedule is very fluid and subject to the realities of a beta environment. We might have to change the time of a testing session, change the boss being tested, or cancel a test entirely, due to bugs, fire, server hardware issues, etc. Keep an eye on this forum for the latest information, and thank you in advance for testing and providing feedback.

Important Testing Notes

Q: How do I get into the raid zone?

A: In Stormwind, Orgrimmar, Dalaran, Shattrath, the two Vale Shrines, and your garrison, you may speak to Nexus-Lord Donjon Rade in order to teleport into the raid zone while it is open for testing. (The option to teleport into a zone will not be available when the zone is not open for testing.) Note that new teleport NPC locations have been added to other expansions’ capital cities, as well as near the zone portals in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

Q: What character should I use to test the raid?

A: Whichever you prefer. We will be scaling players’ effective level to 100 for raid testing, and their item level to an appropriate threshold for the encounter(s) being tested.

Q: How long does testing last?

A: The primary purpose of testing is to give us the information we need to balance the encounters, evaluate how mechanics are playing out in practice, and identify bugs. Once we’re satisfied that we’ve received that information for a given boss, we’ll be shutting down testing. Usually this takes anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours, but there are no guarantees.

Midweek News Roundup 3 September, Gaze Of The Black Prince, Live Q&A And More!

We’ve been quite busy the past few days, meaning we have not been able to do the daily news reporting. So instead here’s a round up of the news from the last few days!

Gaze of the Black Prince

The Gaze of the Black Prince buff has returned for 1 last time before Warlords of Draenor!

Quote from: Blizzard
The Gaze of the Black Prince Returns

Beginning Tuesday, September 2 at 10:00 a.m. PDT, through Tuesday, September 16 at 9:00 a.m. PDT, we’ll be applying the Gaze of the Black Prince buff for the final time before the Warlords of Draenor expansion. This buff will increase the reputation gained with the Black Prince by 100%. It will also increase the chance of obtaining items from his foes needed as a part of the Legendary Cloak quest line including: the Secrets of the Empire, Sigil of Wisdom, Sigil of Power, or Titan Runestones.

To learn more about the Legendary Cloak quest line, check out our previous blog posts: I am Legendary and The Time Has Come: Legendary Quest Line.

Valor Point Removal

As we already knew, Valor Points and Item Upgrades are being removed in WoD. However in the short timespan between 6.0 and WoD launch you’ll be able to use your lesser coins to upgrade any of your MoP items that still need upgrading! Also the quest Test of Valor for the legendary cloak will be removed in 6.0.

Quote from: Blizzard

As a couple posters have mentioned, we’re planning to remove the Test of Valor step from the Legendary chain.Regarding item upgrades, those are being converted to use Lesser Charms of Good Fortune as currency instead of Justice or Valor.

On a related note the quest for the raid bonus roll coins will no longer have it’s weekly restriction.

Quote from: Blizzard
One other related change worth mentioning is that the turn-in quest for Warforged Seals is having its weekly restriction lifted in 6.0, so you can get as many Warforged Seals as you have charms for!

Most other things will become purchasable with gold, such as the heirlooms that currently require Justice Points!

Quote from: Blizzard
Nearly everything that previously was purchased with Valor (or Justice) will now be purchased with gold instead. The only exception I’m aware of is Item Upgrades.

Live Q&A

On friday there will be a Live Q&A with Lead Game Designer Cory Stockton and Lead Narrative Designer Dave Kosak. This Q&A will focus more on story and garrisons and less on class design for example.

Quote from: Blizzard
Live Developer Q&A this Friday

This Friday, September 5, at 10:00 a.m. PDT, Community Manager Josh “Lore” Allen sits down with Lead Game Designer Cory Stockton and Lead Narrative Designer Dave Kosak for a special Q&A where they’ll answer your questions live on Twitch.TV. They’ll be discussing topics such as the world design of Draenor, the new exciting activities you’ll be able to take part in, and a ton of information on the highly anticipated new Garrisons feature.

The event will take place this Friday, September 5 at 10:00 a.m. PDT on our Twitch.TV channel. If you’ve got a question you’d like to see answered, send us a tweet using the hashtag #WarlordsQA.  We’ll see you there!

Obtaining Tier

In Warlords tier tokens will work like the tokens on the timeless isle work right now! This means that you’ll be able to wear your new piece of gear much quicker!

Time Lost Proto Drake Style Mounts Coming To Draenor, Proving Grounds Level 30+, No Podcast This Week

There hasn’t been much news in WoW this week, not even a new beta patch. However we did get a few interesting tweets.

Muffinus teased 7 rare mounts for Draenor that are in the time-lost protodrake style! They are however much less cruel to the collector than the previous mounts.

Proving Grounds

Celestalon let us know that you’ll be able to access proving grounds at level 30 (at the very least the bronze version) and that the npcs will scale up to your item level instead of your gear being scaled down in the future!

No Podcast This Weekend

And then to end tonight’s post, there will not be a podcast this week. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out our new show Don’t Stand In The Fire!

Battleground Call To Arms Removed In WoD

The PvP battleground call to arms is being removed in Warlord of Draenor. This is being done in due to the negative influence the call to arms had on queues.

Quote from: Blizzard
We’ve removed Call to Arms in Warlords. Originally, the feature was added to bring some variety to the battleground experience and allow players who like a specific battleground to occassionally binge on it. But, like any feature, we have to weight the benefits with the consequences. Call to Arms has an adverse affect on queue times in a pretty profound way. When certain battlegrounds are up, one faction will tend to queue for Call to Arms while the other tends to avoid it. As a result, we’re going to remove it so that the majority of players are queuing through Random Battlegrounds.