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Author: Mezzy

Host and author of WoW Weekly podcast, guides and website. I have played WoW since classic, enjoy MMORPG’s and game design in general.

Trinket Hotfixes, Highmaul Raid Schedule, Podcast Episode 54 – WoD Profession Madness

Trinket Hotfixes

Quote from: Blizzard
Hello everyone- There have been several recent hotfixes to the stats on trinkets in Draenor, and we wanted to take some time to provide an update on these.

At launch, we found some issues that led to many Draenor trinkets being incorrectly budgeted (predominantly overbudget, though some were underbudget as well). We quickly applied one hotfix to attempt to resolve this issue, but there are still some issues remaining. That said, despite the overbudget, we won’t be nerfing any existing trinkets. So, have no fear of purchasing any of these trinkets and only to have them end up nerfed.

Last night, we applied another hotfix which increased the stats on many epic trinkets in order to reach a balanced budget on these trinkets and ensure a proper trinket progression path through the Raid tier. This change affects world-drop BoE epic trinkets, Inscription-crafted epic trinkets, Highmaul trinkets, and Blackrock Foundry trinkets.

With the opening of Highmaul today we also wanted to wish you good luck!

Highmaul Raid Schedule

Quote from: Blizzard
As with raids in Mists of Pandaria, we’re staggering the unlock of difficulties for the first raid in the expansion. As with those prior staggered unlocks, our goal here is to let you have fun playing, leveling, and to have time to explore and prepare yourself and your raid group before jumping into this first raid. We’ll share information on the unlock schedule for Blackrock Foundry in the future, but are currently expecting it to unlock approximately 8 weeks after Highmaul.

December 2, 2014
Highmaul opens with Normal and Heroic difficulties accessible.
Drov the Ruiner and Tarlna the Ageless begin spawning in Gorgrond.

December 9, 2014
Mythic difficulty unlocks.
Raid Finder Wing 1 (Kargath/Butcher/Brackenspore) unlocks. Requires item level 615+.

December 16, 2014
Raid Finder Wing 2 (Tectus/Twin Ogron/Ko’ragh) unlocks. Requires item level 615+.

January 6, 2015
Raid Finder Wing 3 (Imperator Mar’gok) unlocks. Requires item level 615+.

Podcast Episode 54 – WoD Profession Madness

Highmaul Heroic Imperator Mar’gok Guide

Imperator Mar'gokHey guys I’m Mezzy from WoW Weekly and welcome to this warlords of draenor raiding guide. Today we’ll be taking a look at the final boss heroic Imperator Mar’gok in Highmaul.

This is a 4 phase encounter with an intermission phase between the second and third and third and fourth phases.

The first phase will show all the abilities and each other phase will change those abilities in one way or another. In phase 1 the first ability you’ll have to deal with is Arcane Wrath. This deals a medium amount of damage when it expires and then jumps to the closest person within 200 yards. Whenever it jumps it’s damage will increase by 25% and it’s jump range will decrease by 50%, this means that after the 4th jump it can expire if noone stands near the person with the debuff in a 13 yard range. To deal with this we have 2 ranged dps take the debuff outside of the raid and on the 4th stack we have the person it’s still on stay out of the way to let the debuff expire. One thing to be clear on, whoever gets the debuff takes it to the assigned ranged players so they can further handle it, and this includes melee.

His next ability is Destructive Resonance. This is an arcane mine that if it’s triggered will deal a large amount of aoe damage to the entire raid and deal near fatal damage to the one who triggered it. Not only that but it will give them a debuff increasing their arcane damage taken by 45% and stunning them whenever they get hit by arcane energy. This means you do not want to trigger it at any cost.

Mar’gok can also summon Arcane Aberrations which need to be killed as they will pulse arcane damage every second to the entire raid. So always switch to these when they spawn as their aoe could mean the difference between a wipe and a kill.

Tanks have 2 debuffs to watch out for. The first being Mark of Chaos, when they get the mark, after 8 seconds they will explode dealing 270k damage to anyone within 35 yards. This means the tank has to run away as quickly as possible, with any speed buffs to not hit anyone else in the raid with the explosion.

The second buff rather, is Accelerated Assault. Each time Mar’gok hits the same target his attack speed will increase by 8%. You’ll deal with this automatically through dealing with Mark of Chaos. His final phase 1 ability is called Force Nova, which will deal damage to anyone standing in it. Only the outer ring of the spell does damage, so we run through it.

There’s a lot of abilities and changes per phase so I’ll try to recap it per phase.

For phase 1: Deal with Arcane Wrath by letting it bounch 3-4 times by the designated ranged and then make sure noone is near the debuffed player. Do not stand in the arcane mine, ever. Kill the adds that spawn. And have the tank move Mark of Chaos atleast 35 yards away from the raid.

At 85% of his health phase 2 will start and his abilities will gain bonuses.

Arcane wrath will not allow the player to move more than 10 yards away. This means to not let it spread too far, someone will have to move close to the player to prevent an increase of amount of jumps the debuff will need to make to dissapear. You still want to bring the debuff to the assigned ranged dps to handle it and due to the restriction on movement the rest might need to move away from those that are debuffed.

The arcane Resonance bomb will grow twice it’s size over 30 seconds, the Aberration add will also knock everyone back when it dies meaning you do not want to be infront of a mine or risk detonating it. The Mark of Chaos tank target will be teleported to a random location and the force nova will push people away.

You deal with phase 2 the same you did as phase 1, however the 10 yard radius for arcane wrath might cause trouble so be sure to communicate which side away from the raid you’re going to get rid of the debuff.

At 55% health he will go into the first intermission phase, which will last for 1 minute. During this phase you will have to deal with 2 things. Every 12 seconds the Anomalies will spawn from the rune which will need to be killed. And 2 Gorian Warmages will spawn which also need to be killed.

You will want to keep these separated from each other as they have an aura that will buff them if they get within 25 yards of each other. They will fixate on a target for 15 seconds and attack them before switching to another. They will also slow people reducing their casting and movement spead with 50%. Luckily this can be dispelled. The cast that the warmages do, can be interrupted so do that as much as possible to reduce damage on your raid. When the warmages cast their spell that does damage, it will do an aoe at the target. So whoever gets fixated will have to move away from the rest of the raid.

To deal with the Arcane Anomalies we assigned just one or two dps to switch to them after the first mage dies. The rest will have to make sure the second mage dies. Also do not kill all of the Arcane Anomalies at the same time as they do AoE damage when they die.

After the one minute, Mar’gok will become active again and instead of push back effects the basic abilities will have different additions.

The arcane wrath debuff will only decrease in distance by 25% per jump instead of 50%. This means you’ll want to try and get this debuff further away from the group to still reduce the amount of jumps it needs. In practise we found that we’d have to let it dissapear at the 7th stack of the debuff. Otherwise we risked it jumping to someone in the raid even though it felt like they were far away.

The resonance bomb will stay on the ground for 2 minutes, the Aberration adds are immune to effects like stuns and have 75% more health, Mark of Chaos will root the tank, meaning the entire raid will have to move atleast 35 yards away from the tank and force nova will trigger additional nova’s every 8 seconds.

For the Mark of Chaos root we moved the boss and entire raid to the opposite side of the room to give ourselves more space. Other than that the crux of this phase is to not let the add stay up for too long due to it’s aoe pulse, and Arcane Wrath now has to be dealt with all the way up to the 7th stack, meaning your assigned ranged will take heavy damage.

At 25% you will get another 1 minute intermission phase. In addition to the adds from the previous intermission

phase you will also get a Gorian Reaver to deal with. This will need to be tanked, facing away from the raid due to the conal attack from Devastating Shockwave. He will also place a stacking debuff on the tank increasing damage taken by 15% for 25 seconds and kick the tank in the face pushing them back and resetting aggro. It’s at the kicking point that you’ll want to switch tanks.

We found that this was the most intense phase due to all the damage coming out from the different adds, and as such we used heroism to alieviate some of the pressure. The Reaver deals an absolute ton of damage so we found it was best to kill 1 mage, then kill the reaver and then kill the other mage. If a ranged player has interrupts be sure to use them on the second mage when killing the reaver.

And then again, after 1 minute you’ll go into the final phase and the abilities will again have different bonuses.

The arcane wrath debuff will jump to a second person the first time it jumps, meaning you’ll have to deal with 2 arcane wraths. At this point you still want to get the debuff to the edge of the raid group, but due to the added complexity of the second debuff we made it everyone’s responsibility that if they got the 4th stack that they would have to run it out of the raid.

The resonance bombs will trigger 2 more to spawn when they detonate or expire which means you’ll have less and less space to move. The Aberration add will split into 7 fragments that need to be killed when it dies. These deal a lot of damage so any stuns that you have are quite useful. The Force Nova gives players a debuff dealing damage to anyone within 4 yards meaning that you’ll have to spread out when the ring is cast. And finally the Mark of Chaos will cause 8 chaos orbs to spawn which will fly out into the room. These need to be dodged as they deal a lot of damage if you get hit by it.

To recap for phase 4: Deal with Arcane Wraths as you would regularly, but have whoever get the initial debuff move out to your assigned ranged to have the debuff bounce among those at the edge of the raid. Then when they reach 4 stacks, make sure the two with the debuff are far away enough from everyone to have it fizzle out. Kill all the adds that spawn. Spread out when the force nova is cast, And do not get hit by the chaos orbs after the tank loses his mark of chaos..

This is a fight where many things happen, take it one phase at a time and you’ll get there, so good luck.

If you liked this quick guide please comment subscribe and click the like button. Be sure to check out our other content at wowweekly.net If you would like to keep up with when new videos come out but you don’t have a youtube account you can also follow us on facebook or twitter, at facebook.com/wowweekly or twitter.com/bbmezzy. For now I’m Mezzy and I’ll see you again next time.

Highmaul Heroic Ko’ragh Guide

Ko'raghHey guys I’m Mezzy from WoW Weekly and welcome to this warlords of draenor raiding guide. Today we’ll be taking a look at heroic Ko’ragh in Highmaul.

Let’s get right into, Ko’ragh has a shield which absorbs 5 million magic damage. While the shield is up his damage will increase by 6% every 10 seconds and once it breaks the bonus damage is removed. Because of this you will want to have plenty of casters in your team. Once it reaches 0 Ko’ragh will have to recharge it in 20 seconds. After which the shield is restored.

While Ko’ragh is recharging you can have one player stand on the rune in the middle. This will give them Caustic Energy. While standing on the rune it will deal damage every second and reduces their healing received by 35%. Once the rune powers down you yourself will get a magic absorbtion shield. The amount of damage the shield can take becomes higher the longer you stand in the rune while Ko’ragh is recharging. You will want a ranged dps to stand in the rune for the full duration each time.

You will need this shield because of Overflowing Energy. Orbs will drop from the sky and if they touch someone they will explode and deal over a million damage to them. You will want to have players with the magic absobtion shield standing underneath it because if it reaches the ground instead it will deal a lot of aoe damage to the entire raid instead. More orbs will spawn as the encounter progresses, so the higher you can get your shield when standing in the rune, the more players you will have to intercept the orbs.

While the shield and orbs are the main difficulty of the fight there are other things to watch out for.

First off there’s the Suppression Field which is an area effect that deals adamage and silences players in it. However this also silences the adds that will spawn during the encounter. When Ko’ragh is recharging and the rune is up 3 Volatile Anomalies will spawn every 8 seconds and will have to be killed. When these die they will deal 43k damage to everyone in the raid, unless they explode in a Suppression Field. So this of course means your tank will have to get the Volatile Anomalies to a suppresion field before they die.

Ko’ragh can also expel 4 different types of magic with each having different effects.

When he expels fire he will deal damage to the entire raid every second for 10 seconds. When it ends it will deal a high amount of damage to everyone in the raid and extra damage to those standing within 5 yards of each other. So stay spread.

When he expels arcane he will debuff a player. Every half a second it will create a rune on the floor and after 1,5 second it will explode dealing just about lethal damage to anyone withing 5 yards of the rune. So if you get the debuff, move it away from the group and everyone else will want to move away from the runes themselves.

When he expels frost he will summon a frost orb that deals roughly 100k damage to the entire raid and slow them the closer they are to the orb. This will dissapear after 20 seconds.

And finally if he expels shadow every player will get a debuff which absorbs 140k healing on them. This will have to be healed off players or risk getting them killed from other spells.

This is definitely ones of those fights where there are a lot of different effects to watch out for. Just keep the main mechanic in mind which is the magic shield and the orbs that will drop to the floor. Besides that, kill the adds as they spawn, preferably when they are in the suppression field, when you get the fire stay spread atleast 5 yards, if you get the arcane move it away from the rest, heal through the shadow debuff and stay away from the frost orb.

The easiest positioning we found was to have the boss tanked in the middle. The one issue we had was that sometimes melee would not get out of the middle quickly enough before Ko’ragh started recharging, meaning the assigned ranged dps to get the shield could not absorb the rune anymore. So have your melee get out of the middle before his shield is completely depleted.

The expel arcane also seemed to only go on the tank, so we had a trail of markers for the tank to run out via them. Noone was allowed to stay on those markers so that the expel arcane could be dealt with safely.

If you liked this quick guide please comment subscribe and click the like button. Be sure to check out our other content at wowweekly.net If you would like to keep up with when new videos come out but you don’t have a youtube account you can also follow us on facebook or twitter, at facebook.com/wowweekly or twitter.com/bbmezzy. For now I’m Mezzy and I’ll see you again next time.

Highmaul Heroic Twin Ogron Guide

Twin OgronHey guys I’m Mezzy from WoW Weekly and welcome to this Warlords of Draenor raiding guide. Today we’ll be taking a look at heroic Twin Ogron in Highmaul.

This encounter consists of 2 Ogron called Pol and Themos. To make things easy, Themos is the one with 2 swords. These guys have a rather annoying mechanic to deal with because they are an angry lot. The further away from each other they are the more anger they will get and the more damage they will do.

To start off let’s talk about Pol. Pol’s first ability is Shield Bash, with which he will attack the tank and silence them for 3 seconds.

His second ability is called Shield Charge, like Kargath he will charge at a random player at 33 energy. It will again do more damage as the duration of the charge increases and when he reaches his target he will do an AoE to nearby targets. But not only that Pol’s charge will also put a debuff doing 13.5k damage every second for 18 seconds on anyone who gets hit by the charge. So obviously you’ll want to dodge this.

At 66 energy he will use his third ability called Interrupting Shout. It deals 65k damage to everyone in the raid and it will interrupt you for 6 seconds if you get hit by it while casting. So if he casts it, stop casting so you don’t get silenced.

His final ability is called Pulverize and he uses it at 100 energy. With this the ceiling will fall in 3 stages and you will need to dodge as much as possible. In the first stage it will fall directly on you, dealing damage to everyone within a 3 yard radius. In the second stage chunks will fall and hit anyone within an 8 yard radius. And the final stage will drop one big chunk onto the raid, dealing more damage to you the closer you are to the point of impact.

Meanwhile you will have to deal with Phemos. His first ability is Double Slash, which he will use on the tank. You don’t have to do anything special with this.

At 33 energy he will use Whirlwind, which will deal damage every half a second and leave a stackable debuff called Weakened Defenses on those who get hit. Weakened defenses will increase their damage taken by 10% per stack from Shield bash. This means you have to make sure to move phemos away from the raid so that the other tank does not get this debuff.

At 66 energy Phemos will use Enfeebling Roar. This will increase the damage taken by all who get hit by it in a 20 yard radius. You will want to have as many people get hit by it to reduce the amount of damage taken and the duration of the debuff. This is because the debuff starts at an increase of 300% and a duration of 300 seconds and will split over the players that get hit by it.

And then finally at 100 energy he will use Quake. This will deal damage to everyone in the raid. Not only that but it will cause fire to spawn on the floor, making it harder to move. If you get hit by the fire you will also get a stacking dot on you, so as usual stay out of the fire.

A definitive tactic for this encounter itself isn’t completely possible because their energy genereation differs per Ogron. So instead here are a few things to keep in mind.

Their health pools are shared, so you can cleave and multidot for the maximum effect when they are close to eachother.
The further away from each other they are the more damage they will do.
You will want to have them close to each other when Phemos uses Enfeebling Roar and far away when he uses whirlwind.
If Pol casts shield charge, move away from the direction he’s facing so you won’t get hit.
And lastly, move away from fire, the cave ins and stop your casts when Pol uses interrupting shout.

Oh and one more thing to note, right before the second Enfeebling roar, for which you will need to be close to Phemos for, the next Pulverize will be cast. Because of this you do not want to be stacked on top of each other due to the 3 yard damage aoe. Keep a light spread around phemos to take the first pulverize hit, then take the enfeebling roar hit and then go back in ranged position for the rest of Pulverize.

If you liked this quick guide please comment subscribe and click the like button. Be sure to check out our other content at wowweekly.net If you would like to keep up with when new videos come out but you don’t have a youtube account you can also follow us on facebook or twitter, at facebook.com/wowweekly or twitter.com/bbmezzy. For now I’m Mezzy and I’ll see you again next time.

Highmaul Heroic Brackenspore Guide

BrackensporeHey guys I’m Mezzy from WoW Weekly and welcome to this warlords of draenor raiding guide. Today we’ll be taking a look at heroic Brackenspore in Highmaul.

If you look at the Dungeon Journal it seems to have a lot of mechanics, but is in execution quite simple. So start off with, you will notice Creeping Moss, a green efffect on the ground. This will heal adds for 2% of their health every 2 seconds and deal damage to you. You have to keep removing the moss by using the flamethrowers that you will be able to find on weapon racks. Choose 2 people to deal with these and let them burn away the moss 1 player at a time.

Secondly there are 5 adds, two of which help the raid. If you heal up the helpful ones and stand near them they will give you perks. The living mushroom will heal everyone within 20 yards every second. The rejuvinating mushroom will increase your haste by 30% and your mana regeneration. So you’ll want to make sure to actively use these mushrooms to make the fight easier for you.

Then there are 3 types of adds that you will want to keep killing. When the Spore Shooter is up you will want 2 ranged dps to stand between the shooter and the raid so that the rest of the group can stay stacked up. This is because of Spore Shot. It will deal damage to a player and everyone within an 8 yard radius.

The Fungal Flesh-Eater will need to be interrupted when he casts Decay as it does over 100k damage to everyone in the raid if it goes off. Not only does he cast Decay, but he will also gain a stacking buff increasing his damage done by 10% per stack and increasing attack and casting speed. So be sure to switch to them as soon as they spawn.

Then finally on the add front Mind Funguses will reduce your casting speed by 75%. These don’t have a lot of health and should be easy to kill.

With all the environmental things sorted, let’s see what’s left from Brackenspore himself.

There are two things the tanks need to look for and one thing for the healers.

First off Brackenspore puts a stacking dot on the tank, due to the duration of this dot you will want to switch tanks when one tank reaches 4 stacks of Rot. The other ability the tanks and the healers need to watch for is Necrotic Breath. This is a cone that needs to be faced away from the raid. It does roughly 33k damage per second and reduces the tank’s healing taken by 99%. This means that the tank will need to be at full health before the cast starts and preferably have a cooldown and shields on him as well.

As a last ability to round him up, he can cast Infesting Spores. This is a stacking debuff put on everyone and it does increasing damage as it ramps up. When it’s used be sure to use healing cooldowns or personal damage reduction cooldowns.

This boss seems to have a lot going for him but it boils down to this: Have 2 players keep the moss cleared with flamethrowers, heal the mushrooms to gain buffs when you stand near them, kill off the adds, be sure to interrupt decay, tankswap at 4 stacks of rot, top up the tank before Necrotic Breath and use cooldowns for Infesting Spores.

If you liked this quick guide please comment subscribe and click the like button. Be sure to check out our other content at wowweekly.net If you would like to keep up with when new videos come out but you don’t have a youtube account you can also follow us on facebook or twitter, at facebook.com/wowweekly or twitter.com/bbmezzy. For now I’m Mezzy and I’ll see you again next time.

Highmaul Heroic Tectus Guide

TectusHey guys I’m Mezzy from WoW Weekly and welcome to this warlords of draenor raiding guide. Today we’ll be taking a look at heroic Tectus in Highmaul.

Tectus is a 3 part encounter with the first being the most important one. In the first part you will face Tectus and the Night-Twisted pale orcs.

Let’s get into the pale orcs first. The first type is the Earthwarper. These will channel gift of earth which create a vortex that will give Tectus 10 stacks of his Accretion buff. You can prevent this by intercepting this and taking a high amount of damage. This will also reduce your movement speed by 10%, and if Tectus attacks you then he will still get his stacks of Accretion buff. So this means that your non boss tank will be tanking the Earthwarpers and taking the vortexes. Also be sure to keep the Earthwarper faced away from the rest of the raid because of his Earthen Flechettes ability which does nearly 200k in a frontal cone..

The other type is the Berserker, which will be tanked by the Tectus tank. However the berserker will occaisionally cast Raving Assault, resetting all threat and attack a random player. This will have to be kited and anyone caught in it’s track will also take damage.

Because of the abilities of these adds, the dps should always prioritise them.

Tectus himself will gain energy over time. The energy gain will speed up as he loses health and once he reaches 100 energy he will cast Tectonic Upheavel, which does aoe damage to all players. If he is not dead by the time it finishes then he will heal up. However if he does go down to 0 during Tectonic Upheaval he will shatter. But more on that later.

Tecuts will pick up nearby earth to give himself the Accretion buff increasing his damage by 5% per stack. This is the same buff that he could get from the pale orc vortex. You can remove this by dealing damage to tectus.

With all the technical abilities sorted, on to the more regular ones.

When Tectus reaches 25 energy he will use Earthen Pillar. He will raise a pillar from the ground and it will erupt after a couple of seconds. You will have make sure to get out of the big circle, because otherwise it will kill you.

Tectus can also cast Crystalline Barrage which is a cloud that moves towards players. You’ll take damage if you stand in it, so the very easy solution is to not stand in it and move it away from the raid when you are targeted by it.

His final ability is called Fracture which is a spike that shoots up and will deal a lot of damage to anyone who gets hit by it. So if you can, be sure to move out of it.

Now these are all the abilities you have to deal with. If you look back at it, it’s not much. You move out of a couple of abilities, dodge big circles and kill adds. However we still have the shattering to deal with.

Once if at the end of Tectonic Upheavel, Tectus is dead then he will split into two Shards of tectus, who have less health and deal less damage than Tectus himself, but will still have the same abilities. At this point no more pale orcs will spawn.

So each tank picks a shard and a repeat of dealing with the abilities starts. Your raid should focus on killing one of the shards and doing everything again. Once this shard dies, he will split into 4 motes of tectus. The same tank should pick them up and you should deal with these.

Put a skull on one mote and have cleaving attacks deal damage to the others. Once a mote is dead, focus the next, and so on until all 4 are dead. This will leave you with 1 Shard of tectus and you will have to just repeat yourself.

Use heroism when you get the first set of 4 motes as you’ll have to deal with the most abilities at the same time at that point.

The main thing to keep in mind is to not panic and deal with the abilities as they come calmly. To help with dealing with the abilities we had those with the crystaline barrage move to the right, while the rest moved to the left when pillars were summoned. At the same time we have the boss facing the ranged dps as it helped with the crystalline barrage spawn point not killing the melee right away.

You’ll need some practise but if people stay calm you’ll kill it.

If you liked this quick guide please comment subscribe and click the like button. Be sure to check out our other content at wowweekly.net If you would like to keep up with when new videos come out but you don’t have a youtube account you can also follow us on facebook or twitter, at facebook.com/wowweekly or twitter.com/bbmezzy. For now I’m Mezzy and I’ll see you again next time.