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Author: Jestricide

Contributing author to the WoW Weekly site, I write mostly light-weight content with many many screen caps! Started raiding in WotLK, enjoy PvE, PvP and achievements in various tempos, as well as a few other games such as HS. Very argumentative, come at me!

Toys for the toy box: transformation Pt 1 – Vanilla

Good news everyone!

As we are getting a TOY BOX in WoD, we can actually collect all the toys we ever wanted, without cramming our banks and having to drop well over half of them. So let’s see what’s out there…


There’s always been a lot of vanity items in WoW; many of them just used to be a little harder to acquire and… a little cooler. They used to be a little more to brag about.

In this article, we’ll look into the best of the old vanity items – but only the ones that change your appearance. For now.

(Do comment if I’ve missed a good one!)

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At your service: Custom UIs [WoW]


This is a whole new author for the site, Jestricide, writing. I am here to bring in some light reading, musing over the everyday things of a WoW gamer. Hope you enjoy the post – don’t hesitate to give me feedback and ask questions in the comments!

These days, most WoW gamers have customized their UIs – some looking for aesthetics, others for improved game play, most for both. It’s usually that one guy in your raid team who uses no addons whatsoever that is the weird one. Though, one cannot claim that you NEED addons to be a good player… … I don’t think I could give them up myself.

So. What is it that we do to our UIs to make them all pretty and handy? Well, first of all, we all start out from this:

The default UI

This is what you see when you log onto the game for the first time, with less abilities of course.

Now, as there are many many single addons for specific uses, that you can combine to make a completely customized UI of your own – and we will get to those later – there are also quite some UI addon packs out there. I.e.. you download an addon, and often all that you will need besides it for the perfect raid layout is a DPS/HPS output meter (Recount, Skada) and raid unit frames, if you dislike the default ones.