Blizzard had a Live Q&A on their livestream on twitch with Dave Kosak and Cory Stockton, here’s a summary of it (the VoD will be added later):
- Originally the Garrisons were really big and it didn’t feel like something you built yourself.
- You will not have access to the highest tier items with Garrison profession buildings if they are not one of your character’s professions.
- When you’re in a group you can choose whose Garrison you enter.
- Your friends can help you fight off the Garrison invasions.
- The rare mobs and treasures give you a break from regular questing.
- The max level areas will feel most like the timeless isle, they’ll be dynamic
- Every week or so you’ll get a new weekly garrison story quest.
- For the legendary ring you’ll be working with Khadgar to make it.
- There will be no pvp quests.
- There will be no rep grinds.
- You’ll be able to start the quest at lvl 98.
- Instead of dismissing followers you’ll be able to just deactivate them.
- There will be a (gold) cost for reactivating them.
- You will be able to reactivate one per day.
- Outside of the 7 racial factions if you’re a Death Knight you’ll also be able to get DK guards for your Garrison.
- You’ll need exalted with Knights of the Ebon Blade.
- The Shadow Hunters will be Vol’jins bodyguards and eyes and ears.
- Rexxar is in the max level content.
- Magtheridon will probably not be in WoD.
- The workshop will have an item called “the nuke” which has a day cooldown.